The Diaries Of Brooke

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My name is Brooke Ateara I'm a cousin of Quil's I have medium long brown hair and brown eyes I'm really pretty that was when everything was perfect and I had a boyfriend I was happy I trusted him then the one day I walked in on my boyfriend doing it with another girl I have no more trust I may never be able to trust again the man I hate who caused my life like this is Paul Lahote I knew I was a bed partner to him nothing else I shoulda listened to my friends but stupid me believed all the lies he told me why couldn't I've been smarter then I know now to never trust again especially him....

That happened two years ago I moved from La Push and went and lived with my aunt in Colorado but I want to go home to my cousin me and him were best friends and it may sound babyish but I miss my family my parents died a couple months after I was born in a car crash and I was sent to live with my cousin Quil and his parents after the thing with Paul happened when I was 15 I was heartbroken I decided to move with my aunt for two years and now I'm 17 and I'm incredibly beautiful and I want to rub it in Paul's face that he missed out on me.

I told Quil I was coming and he told everyone. Right now I was driving down my old childhood street then I pulled into my childhood house I ran out of the car and Quil was waiting right there I ran and hugged him he caught me and hugged me even more I felt loved.

"You look amazing." He said

"Thank you, you too." I said smiling

"Wanna come to the beach ?" He asked me

"Would this wolf say no." I giggled oh yeah guys I forgot to tell you I'm a werewolf that's another reason I went with my aunt is because I was so mad at Paul I phrased.

"Awesome lets go." He said going to get in his truck

"What are you doing Quil let's drive mine ." I said referring to my Black 4-door truck that was huge I got that from my aunt for my 16th birthday

"Yeah let's drive that." He said getting in shot gun he lead me to the beach because I kinda forgot when we were walking down to the beach I saw him

"Quil do I look good." I said making sure I looked smoking

"Yeah I'm guessing karma is coming and you want to rub some faces in on how pretty you are." He said knowing me

"Tots yes now lets go I'm so ready for this." I said we walked up to the group of guys Paul looked at me

"Brooke." He said disbelieved

"Lahote." I said glaring he looked away I smirked

"Wait a minute who are you." The one asked

"We'll ugly here summed it up I'm Brooke Quil's cousin." I said introducing myself

" my names Jacob." He said then the other guys introduced themselves







"Embry." A really hot one said and he looked shy.

"I'm gonna leave you alone." He said leaving with the rest I think Paul was the first gone lol.

"So Embry" I said shyly which is not like me

"Yeah you're really hot." He said not as shy as he was this made me blush mad hard

"Thanks you're really hot too." I blurted out

He smiled

"So um Brooke how do you know Paul." He asked starting a conversation as we started walking the beach

"Oh you don't want to get me started." I laughed he laughed too

"We'll one we dated two years ago my friends said don't date him I fell for him he was doing it with another girl I caught him and it all equaled out to me heartbroken and moving to Colorado two years past and I'm here so over him." I smile

"Wow." Is all he can say I laugh he laughs too

"So you have a phone?" He asked

"Yeah." I said taking out my new IPhone 5 he pulled his out and he had the same one.

"Nice phone." I joked

"Thanks wish I had yours." He joked

I laughed he was so silly I loved it he was also very hot and had awesome abs

We exchanged numbers in each others phones and hung out the whole day with each other than Quil came up.

"Hey it's time to go home so say by to you're little boyfriend I'll be in the truck." He said grabbing my keys and running off towards my truck

"Well bye." He said kissing my cheek I blushed and said my bye then ran off towards my truck we drove home joking around and it felt like home again I finally noticed I had my family again and I'm not leaving again.

'Well I guess that's all that happened today it was great getting to know Embry he's really sweet and really HOT he's so dreamy. I really like him maybe after awhile we can go out but I don't know if I can trust anybody but with Embry it feels like I've known him for all my life who knows tomorrow I'm going to shopping with my old beastie Kim we got in touch again yahhh ;) lol if anybody read my diary I would kill I mean that would be horrible what if Paul somehow read it I'll be in major explaining because he took up half of this thing I really hope Embry takes the other half but will I fall for Paul


Brooke ;)

With that I closed my diary and fell into a nice slumber hoping tomorrow would be as great as today was.

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