Newborn What?

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Jacob made us come to this stupid graduation party and he made me come inside with him jk Embry and Quil brought me in the house with them Jacob didn't think it was a good idea neither did Paul for some reason.

Jacob started to talk to the Cullen's and Bella about this red head vampire chick I don't know I'm not allowed on patrol I just hear whatever when they get back.

"There making a newborn army." Carisle said

"What damn army." Jacob asked that's when I really started to pay attention

"Newborns a whole army they could easily wipe out a human army twice their size." Jasper said

"A army that's so cool wait what if they're was a wolf army you know of shapeshifters that would be awesome." I said

"No no it wouldn't." Edward said

"Back off leech." I sneered

"We need you're help to defeat them?" Carisle asked

"The pack will help." Jacob said

"Count me the fuck in this is so exciting nothing ever happens in La Push its all in forks like a clan of vampires lives in forks when we only got a pack of wolfs in La Push but you guys don't have a beach ha oh and you guys don't got cliffs to dive off or the even better part you guys." Jacob cut me off

"Great idea to bring her Quil, Embry." Jacob glared

"It was oh I have to go tell the rest of the pack this or were they listening oh who cares I'm gonna go talk to Paul since today is our..... Wait for it...... First day of summer well tomorrow is but who's counting I gotta go oh and FYI Rosalie I love the outfit cute, Emmett have you been working out, Alice love the hair, jasper you're actually talking more thank god you can't always be so quiet we're gonna be like training together that's gonna be so much fun, oh Carisle Esme I love you're parenting skills so cute and um Edward Bella nice um yeah I gotta go now bye." I said all in one breath before going back outside where Paul was.

"Babe did you know that there's a newborn." He cut me off by kissing me

"Army yes we heard we also heard your constant talking don't you ever stop." He asked

"Was I talking five seconds ago exactly so I'm not talking that much or am I oh my god Paul I talk to much don't I why didn't you say anything you're a jer..." He kissed me making me shut up maybe I should talk more.

"Okay break it up you too you're going to make me puke Brooke next time don't talk so much." Jacob said coming up to us

"You're not my boss Jacob." I said

"Here we go again." Embry mumbled

"When we were in there yeah I was ,I was supposed to make sure nothing happened hence me being you're boss while we were in there." He said

"Are we in there now huh exactly no so hence you're not my boss" I said

"I win this fight point Brooke" I smirked

"You're so annoying especially when You and Paul kiss or when you're all mushy together." Jacob said I smirked

"If that makes you annoyed this is gonna make you want to die." I said before I smashed my lips onto Paul's surprising him he started to kiss back and I pulled away to see Jacob fake gagging.

"At that rate you'll be having pups soon." Jared teased causing Jacob to actually puke

"That's disgusting ." I said running into the forest everyone following we got to Sam's and ate some more because we we're all still so hungry after that we went to our separate houses and went to sleep nice peaceful calming sleep.

At least that's what I hoped I was going to get instead I laid in my bed being able to hear Quil talk on the phone since his room was right next to mine.

"What no jake that's hilarious no tell Embry that he's a chicken and just won't do it." Quil laughed I was already covering my ears with my pillow but I could still hear him.

"Embry dude just webcam me okay tell jake to do it too." He said hanging up the phone

"Finally I can go to bed." I mumbled almost falling asleep when I heard laughing again.

"I'm gonna kill him." I said I got out of bed and looked at the clock it read 3 a.m. in the morning.

I marched over to Quil's room and opened the door.

"Quil shut up I'm trying to sleep oh my god clean you're room." I said hitting his head

"Hey Brooke." Jared said

"Why are you webcamming at 3 am in the morning." I yelled

"Shh if you're any louder you're gonna wake my mom." Quil said

"Me loud I've been trying to sleep but you're loud mouth won't let me oh my god is that Paul?" I asked

"Yeah why." Jared said

"I look like shit that's why oh my god is that a spider." I asked Quil

"Yeah." He shrugged

"I'm never coming in you're room again." I said running out.

I was half asleep when I heard Quil come in my room.

"Brooke you awake." He asked

"Yeah why." I yawned falling asleep

He had his computer with him still talking to the pack.

"You're rooms not any cleaner." He commented

"At least you can see the floor unlike yours." I said

I sat up and decided I didn't want bothered by Quil.

"Quil can you please leave I'm tired." I said

He just sat there laughing.

"Well I asked nicely." I shrugged before standing up and grabbing my baseball bat.

"Get the fuck out now." I said swinging for his head that got him to leave I went to my door locking it and then crawling back into bed finally being able to sleep.

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