Just Being Lazy

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Me and Paul woke up just a few hours ago and we haven't been doing anything all day.

"So is today lazy day." I asked

"Yeah I'm so tired today." Paul said

"Werewolves aren't suppose to be tired." I said

"Yeah well this one is I had patrol all week and all night I'm tired." He said

"Add something else to that." I smirked

"That too I'm way over worked." He joked

"Yeah well try going shopping it's a handful." I said

"Oh it must be a pain." He joked

"It is I mean walking in and out of the stores for hours." I said

"Wow I feel so bad for you, you have such a hard life." He teased

"I do I need a day off hey today can be our day off." I said

"Our day off hmm okay today is our day off." He said kissing me

"Yah okay so today we do nothing we have to just be lazy.." I said

"Does that mean pajamas all day." Paul asked

"No sweatpants." I said

"Good enough" he said

We got up and I got changed into sweatpants and a tank top.

He got on sweatpants and had no shirt on.

"So guys can wear no shirt but girls can't." I said

"Well boys don't have parts up there". He said

"Still I think girls should be able to wear anything they want I mean boys can." I said

"I think girls should wear less make up." Paul said

"Yeah I guess but we need it I mean look at my face right now this is no make up." I said

"You still look beautiful." He said kissing me I kissed back and you know what that lead to.

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