What When Did This Happen

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I woke up the next morning to see a sleeping Paul. I smiled and I noticed the blanket was just below his belly button that's when I noticed he was a outie.

"Paul." I scream

"What." He screamed worriedly shooting right up

"Your an outie when did this happen." I asked

"Since I was born is that why you woke me up its 6 a.m. just because I have a outie not an innie." Paul said putting the pillow over his face while he laid back down

"Paul I did wake you up because of that." I said

"Calm down its not big deal." He said

"No big deal that's like saying that I um well I," I stop saying what I was about to say because it was a secret.

"What saying that your what." Paul asked taking the pillow off his head looking at me

"Nothing whatever about the outie." I said trying to drop it

"No really what were you about to say." Paul said sitting up now

"Nothing nothing it's really nothing." I said too fast and suspiciously

"I really don't want to get it out of you today so once I'm set I'm not showing mercy so what were you gonna say." Paul tried threatening to make me spill but I didn't

"I'm not telling you what I was gonna say its embarrassing and if that's a threat bring it." I said

"You don't know what you just put yourself into." Paul said pinning me down while kissing me we kissed for forever

We pulled away and I giggled since he was just so happy looking

"I'm not telling you." I giggled

"Just wait I'll get you to tell me." He winked

"Oh give it up goofball your not getting it out of me and I'm texting Kim to tell her not to tell Jared so Jared can tell you." I said texting Kim

Kim and Jared- Kim's POV

I woke up to a text on my phone I picked up my phone and read it. The message was from Brooke saying not to tell Jared so Jared could tell Paul about her secret.

Little did I know Jared was reading the text over my shoulder.

"Shit." I mumbled when I noticed

"So what's the secret." He said smiling

"Nothing." I said

"Come on." He pouted and that's all it took before I broke.

"We'll I can't tell you because your gonna tell Paul." I said

"How bad is it." Jared asked

"Pretty bad I even did it also." I said

"Now I have to know." Jared said smirking

"We both were ballerinas when we were little and we both did dance till 8th grade." I admitted

"You were a ballerina how long." Jared asked

"See well that part I can't tell you." I said

"Come on Kim how long." Jared asked me again

"We're still ballerinas." I said quietly

"Awe." Jared said

"Shut up we help the little kids and teenagers and all that don't tell Paul". I said

"Why?" Jared asked already having his phone out

"Because why do you think Paul hates ballerinas because of the sparkles." Kim said

"And the pink and all those colors and the elegant dances and how they have their hair and how guys join and how many people are snobby are in it with exceptions." Jared said

I laughed because of the faces he was making while saying that.

Normal POV:

"Come on". Paul said for the millionth time then his phone rang he answered it and it was Jared.

"Hello." Paul said

"Oh you know what the secret is." Paul smirked at me I hurried and grabbed his phone hanging it up.

"No." I said

"He was about to tell me too." Paul said

"Your not getting this phone back till I threaten and beat the crap out of Jared for almost telling you." I said running out the door he was running after then I noticed I had on my zebra pajama pants and a tank top on and somehow Paul was already dressed we got to the house I walked in and Jared and Kim were right there.

"Kim you told him." I screamed

"Sorry it was part my secret too so he was gonna find out." Kim said

"Fine but Paul is not finding out" I said to the both of the them

"What that your a ballerina and you used to do dance same with Kim." Quil said not noticing that was it

"Ateara out." He said booking it out of the house after me and Kim both gave him death glares

"Do you have tutus." Embry laughed

"Yes I have a zebra one a pink sparkly one a blue sparkly one a black sparkly one another zebra but this has sparkles I have a red sparkly one I have a cheetah one it has sparkles um my purple one has sparkles too". I said naming them

"Oh I have those too except I just bought that new aqua one it has like five thousand sparkles." Kim said

"I bought that too." I said giving her a high five

"Wait you do ballet." Paul said

"Yeah." I said

"That's awesome." He said

"I thought you hated ballet." I said giving him a look

"No I hate kid ballet adult ballet is hot." He said

"Glad you think so." I smiled

"So when's your practice." Jacob asked

"We're not telling that to you well I guess we can every Saturday at midnight to around 3 am in the morning." I said

"Really." Jared asked

"Yeah." We both said

"We'll what do you guys want to do today?" Seth asked

That's when I get a text from my cousin my Aunt Shell's daughter Alison.

"Okay well anyone want to head to the airport with me?" I asked

"Me losers are staying here." Kim said

"Why do you have to go to the airport," Quil said popping his head in through the screen door

"Duh aunt shell is sending Ali to stay with me." I said in a duh tone

"Ali is coming." Quil gulped

"Yeah." I said

"That's bad I mean that's really bad." Quil said

"Why did you piss her off or something." Kim asked

"No she's just like Paul in girl form looks like Brooke so if Brooke and Paul had a kid it would turn out to be a Ali." Quil said

"Did you say Ali." Jacob said

"Yeah." I said

"She's so cool." Jacob said

"Yeah well keep your baby thoughts to yourself Quil." I said walking out the door with Kim following I went home and got changed and ready then I got in my truck and Kim got in and we drove to the airport it was a 4 hour drive thank God I had my phone.

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