Spring Break

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Well nothing happened for awhile now Paul and I are happy so is the rest of the pack it's almost summer I can taste it not literally but you know what I mean.

"Paul it's almost Summer in only two weeks we're are you ready seniors." I screamed happily

"Yeah I know it's exciting." He said sarcastically

"Are you not happy that its almost summer you get to see me in a bikini we get to go have fun and most of all no fucking school." I said as the pack and us sat in the living room at Sam's.

"I'm happy about all those things I
truly am but the only problem is you're going to go visit your aunt in where ever." He said

"What no I'm not she's coming to visit Emma and Alison are coming down." I said

"Wait a minute you're cousins are coming down?" Seth asked

"Yeah why?" I asked

"One they're hot two they're hot." Embry said

"You two are disgusting." I said

"Come on they are ." Seth laughed

"Whatever hey Jacob glad you could join us today." I said jokingly as he walked in the living room

"Yeah yeah yeah I came to warn you I invited Bella over for today and I'm going to go pick her up." Jacob said

"Why did you tell us?" Paul asked

"Because I don't want Brooke to freak about that incident last year with Bella slapping you Paul so um I was being careful." Jacob said

"What I totally forgot about that and anyway I think Paul and I were fighting when that happened so I want to ride to go pick up Bella with you I don't care what you say Paul." I said standing up walking out the door with Jacob.

Jacob didn't have a shirt on but had shorts and sneakers on I on the other hand had on dark blue jean short shorts, a dark blue short sleeve V-neck on that had a white tank top underneath. Oh and I had on white flip flops my hair was straightened and I had a blue headband on.

We got in his car thing and drove someplace parking at the side of the road. We got out of the car.

I started fake box Jacob.

"Come on I want to box." I said punching his shoulder

He went to punch mine but I moved.

Somehow I ended up putting him in a headlock but he got himself out of it quickly.

"No fair I had that one won." I said laughing we leaned against his car when Edward pulled up.

"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward asked Bella inside the car I tried to hold in my laughter while Jacob ignored his comment rolling his eyes.

"Hi Jacob." Bella said then she looked at me scared I love when I do that to people.

"Hi Bella omg we're gonna have so much fun today you don't even know and oh I can't believe in two weeks I'm a senior I'm so close to no more school wait aren't you a senior that means you graduate this year woah and guess what you're like jacob's best girl that is a friend Jacob and I never agree on anything like this one time he ate my one pancake and I totally flipped on him but I'm more mature now and I don't flip as often." I said really fast and in one breath.

"Don't flip as often you're kidding right you flipped out on me last night for touching you're phone." Jacob laughed

"Shut up I simply screamed I didn't flip this guy." I laughed pointing to Jacob

"You're Paul's Imprint right?" Edward asked

"Yeah what's it to you I mean yes." I said calming down

"I can tell" he smirked knowing he was pissing me off

"Calm down Brooke don't phase you can control the anger." I coached myself

"Knock it off Edward." Bella said I smiled at her for making Edward stop

We got to Sam's and I ran towards Paul hugging him.

Bella stayed for awhile till she had to go back she's actually not that bad except for the fact that she's using Jacob you know....... Can you tell I'm being sarcastic I fucking hate her along with the rest of the bloodsuckers except for Rosalie she's awesome oh and Emmett wait and Esme, Carisle too, Alice defiantly she's awesome, Jasper is cool too he's mysterious okay the only people I don't like is Edward and Bella.

Sorry it's so short I've been a little busy the next update might take awhile hopefully it won't take that long ✌-

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