Oh So Your Bella

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A few days later or so we were all at Sam's when Jacob and that girl came towards the house. That's when Embry teased Jacob and that's when I noticed pale face is Bella.

"Wait that's Bella." I said to Paul

"Yeah um you see how sunny it is out here." Paul said looking up

"Hey Brooke how are you doing today haven't talked to you in forever." Quil said

"Fine and why are you all acting like I'm gonna kill pale face I might severely injure her but I won't kill her." I said glaring at Bella

"Hey Brooke I want some more chicken come on." Paul said grabbing my hand running into the house with me following.

We were in the kitchen while he was eating another piece of chicken then I saw a spider and spiders are the one thing I am petrified of.

"Ahh." I scream at the top of my lungs

"What." Paul yells worried

"Spider." I scream having tears in my eyes I ran out of the house with the pack watching me worried I screamed and screamed.

"Oh my God there's a big ass spider in there." I screamed hiding behind Embry

"It wasn't even that big." Paul said

"Tell that to my eyes it was huge." I say now coming out from hiding behind Embry I went to go to Paul when Embry smacked my butt. Paul growled and grabbed me roughly.

"Calm down Paul." I said looking In his eyes he calmed down glaring daggers into Embry.

"So what do you want to do today." I ask Paul

"I want to go home and relax and do some stuff with you right there with me." He said kissing me I giggled knowing what kind of stuff he wanted to do.

"We'll I guess.". I said teasingly

He chuckled kissing me again I kissed back instantly and we started a male out session till Jacob interrupted us.

"Please give me a spoon to gag myself." He said

"Shut up." I said

"I'm scared for life." Quil said

"Please Quil you and Claire will be doing this soon enough and Jared don't say anything because Kim told me and Embry you'll find her and Jacob good luck." I smirked

"Haha very funny." Jacob fake laughed

"Come on babe I wanna go finish what we just started." Paul said walking in the woods towards our house with my hand in his hand

"Bye losers." I said walking with Paul.

Back at Sam's-

"Good thing she didn't kill you." Jacob said

"Yeah that would of been bad." Bella said

"How did Paul get that." Bella asked

"We ask are selves that every day it's crazy because they used to be 2 years or almost 3 now well anyway they used to be lovers and then he cheated on her and she beat the shit out of the girl and moved to Colorado moved back 6 months ago imprinted and is in love then Paul pays a lot of attention to her on patrol all he does is think about her the one night we all saw what she looked like a night with Paul and Paul is just Paul he's mean, rude, inpatient, hot- headed vampire killing machine." Jacob said

"Wow." Bella said

"Yeah don't piss Paul off and defiantly don't piss off Brooke." Jared said

"Brooke is hot." Embry said

"We all know except for Quil since they're cousins." Jacob said

"she seems really mean." bella said looking scared a little

" well her and leah are like best friends and she's paul's imprint I would expect her to be mean but she is really funny," Jared said

"At least she didn't attack because Quil knows it's impossible sometimes to pull her off of people she was a badass back 2 years ago." embry said

" yeah and she was hotter now that she is with paul I'm scared to go near her." embry said

"embry you just smacked her ass and youre saying that don't you know when it's just you and paul he's gonna kill you so I would watch out." jacob said

" touche remind me for the next week to stay away from paul and or Brooke because if paul finds out I was near Brooke I'm dead even more." embry said

Back at my house:

"Paul are you gonna kill Embry." I asked while we cuddled on my bed

"Oh yeah defiantly that kid is dead." Paul growled

"Don't hurt him I mean who could resist this." I joked

"I know I can't." He said kissing me

"So will you not hurt him." I asked with puppy eyes

"Oh I'm so gonna hurt him if he tries it again i'll let this one pass but if he tries it again I'm beating the shit out of him no discussion about it but let's go back to the house and go gross them out by kissing." Paul smirks

"Deal but let's drive my truck because I don't want to walk." I said

"Okay." He said we both got up and got semi dressed we went to my car I grabbed my car keys only to get it taken out of my hands.

"What do you think you're doing." I said taking them back

"I think I'm driving." He said

"Oh so you want to drive a truck that has sparkles on it?" I ask him

"Okay you drive." He chuckled giving me my keys I jumped in my truck and started to drive to Sam's . We drove taking our time. We got to Sam's and the pack was outside still talking I turned off the truck and I was about to open the door to bet out but Paul pulled me back kissing me intensely I smiled and kissed back it turned to a male out session we pulled apart to see the pack staring I shrugged and kissed him again the making out lasted another 20 minutes we finally pulled away and got away.

"How did you just breath for the past 20 minutes." Jared asked

"Our noses." Paul said pulling me along toward the porch to sit while I was just smiling in a daze.

"What happened to my cousin." Quil asked

"I made her in a happy place." Paul said kissing my neck I'm just smiling and closing my eyes gently while I'm in a daze in a big time daze.

"She's not trying to kill anyone wow." Jacob said

"Hey you're lucky I got her in a daze and she's not trying to hurt Bella." Paul said

"Yeah thanks." Jacob said

Paul stopped kissing my neck and I started to whine.

"Paul." I said in a whiny voice he chuckled and started to kiss my neck again

"Wow." Embry said this made Paul growl.

I giggled and pulled him down for a kiss he kissed back immediately. We kissed for another 20 minutes and our tongues fought for control of course him winning after I got in another daze I was stuck in it.

"Let's go back to the house." He whispered in my ear huskily

I nodded he picked me up and placed me in my truck getting in the drivers side driving home I was pretty much in the daze the whole drive was what felt like nothing since I was distracted. We got back to my house to have the best night of my life it was so good.

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