Battle Of The Sexes Part 2

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked Paul as we sat on my bed while the pack was downstairs.

"Positive I haven't been able to actually be near you for hours." Paul said

"Okay." I smiled he smiled back and kissed me.

Suddenly he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Brooke you know how I don't like losing and being called a loser I would really really like if you would lose tomorrow." He said

"No." I automatically said

"What about for me then?" He asked

"That makes so much of a difference still no." I said getting off my bed and leaving the room thinking about how Paul tried to use our imprint thing to win that little cheater.

I got to the living room to see Jared and the boys mad.

"You're little plan didn't work." I smirked walking outside where the girls were.

"Come on we're going to go to the cliff and dive off it!" Ali said loudly making all the boys come running out.

"You're not going cliff diving?" Seth said

"Yes we are aren't we Brooke?" Peyton asked me

All the guys glared and looked at me.

"Don't look at me I just found out we're going but I'm up for it haven't done it since oh wait I've never done it meaning I want to now." I said happily.

"Do you have you're bathing suit on?" I asked the girls

"When don't we?" Leah said

Everyone took off there shirts including me because we all had bikini's on.

"See you guys later." I said walking over to my hummer while Leah drove my truck.

We pulled out leaving the guys standing there jaw dropped mainly because we all just took our shirts off.

After a little cliff diving we went back to Emily's.

"Are any of you hurt mainly Ali are you hurt in any way?" Seth asked

"NO." We all yelled

"we were just really worried." Sam said

Paul still just sat there.

"hey paul." I said glaring

"why the glares?" Paul askes confused

"well for one you tried using our imprint bond thing to your advantage." I glared

"great just what we need you two fighting." Jared said

"we aren't fighting we're simply talking." I said

"Yeah talking." Paul said rolling his eyes

"Your such a pain." I glared

"Am not."

"Are too."

"And the arguing begins." Jared said as we bickered back and forth.

The next day was our final day of the battle the score was 3-girls 3- guys so it was anybody to win today.

Today's challenge is book smart stuff and we all know who's going to win this shit...... us girls duh did you meet those guys there as dumb as a rock.

"This is going to be a piece of cake" Ali said painting her nails

"Right I think we should wear our normal clothes since we won't need to distract them this game." Peyton said

"I agree." kim said

We all got dressed in our normal clothes I got dressed in a pair old skinny jeans that were light blue, a white V-neck with a white tank top underneath and then light brown leather high heel boots with a light brown leather jacket l left my hair natural in waves and we were off to Sam's where this thing was being held.

"Okay time for smarts just saying us girls are going to win" Kim said

"Totally" we all agreed

"You wish we're gonna win  and you girls are going to go crying to your mommies." Jared said I turned a massive glare his way.

"I don't have a mommy." I glared at him growling.

"Did she die?" Seth asked

"Well I wouldn't know we haven't talked since I was the age of 7 she went on  a trip with my father around the world they don't keep in touch and you know what I could care less if they were dead or not." I said

"Oh well let's get off this topic umm first question." Aunt Joy said

"Name a band with 5 guys in it." Billy

"Umm." I said trying to think

"One Direction." Jared said quickly while every one of us girls including Aunt Joy and Billy stared at them while they acted like it was nothing but it obviously was shouldn't us girls know that.

"Umm how do you know that?" I asked him

"I was watching umm you know what next question." Jared said

"Who was the first president?" Aunt Joy asked

"George Washington next question." I said playing with my hair

After many many questions we were on the final question.

"Name two types of dogs?" Billy said

"Paul and Jared." I laughed

"Leah and Brooke." Jared chuckled

"Both teams win yahh okay is anyone else hungry?" Billy asked as Aunt joy brought him inside.

"I so won." i said to the guys

"You wish we won obvi." Jared said

"Did you just say obvi?" I laughed clutching my side from laughing too hard.

"Yeah why can't I say obvi?" Jared asked

"I'm done you made my day." I laughed walking inside to eat some delicious muffins.

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