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I'm standing off to the side in the bar, answering a few birthday messages on my phone when I feel someone trace their finger across the back of my neck. I smile as the scent of her perfume reaches me, just before her warm breath is at my ear. "Have a good time with your friends. You know where to find me when you're done." I turn in time to see Liz wink as she walks away, exiting out the side door.

I shake my head, grinning. Damn, she's good.

"What's got you looking like the cat that just got the cream?" Chloe asks as she hands me a drink.

"A gentleman never tells, Clo," I smirk.

That response earns me a very raised eyebrow. "Oh yes, I'm sure the thoughts you were having just then were very gentlemanly."

I laugh as she continues. "Seriously though, you're a lot less moody since you started getting some regularly. I think she's good for you."

"Yeah, it's fun. And it's kind of nice that that's all it is."

"Well it is your birthday after all, you deserve some fun. My little Noah's growing up." She smiled at me indulgently.

I left about an hour later, and after a short walk in the brisk night air I was in front of Liz's apartment.

Me: I'm here, buzz me up.

There was no response, just a sound as the automatic door unlocked. I walked through the foyer and took the stairs to her floor. Most of our rendezvous occurred at Liz's place, thanks to the fact that she lived in a two bedroom apartment with a friend who stayed at her boyfriend's place several nights a week.

I knocked lightly on the door and a few seconds later Liz answered. She'd let her hair down but was still wearing the dress and heeled ankle boots she'd worn to the bar.
"Hi there," she said, smiling warmly.
"Hi yourself." I replied, stepping forward to meet her. Liz was still several inches shorter than me in heels, something I knew she relished.

I bent to touch my forehead to hers and she put her arms around my neck. I let my hands rest at her waist before running them down over her hips and the outsides of her thighs, skimming lightly. When my fingers found the hem of her dress, I stopped, tracing the skin just below.

"This dress is very short," I breathed.

Liz grinned, "Do you like it?"

My fingers moved to the back of her thighs, this time roaming upward under the dress. "Yes, I like it very much." I pulled her against me and she lifted her mouth to mine. Our kiss was hot and urgent and over too quickly. Liz pulled away, grabbing my hand to lead me in the direction of her bedroom.

"Come," she said, looking at me over her shoulder.

"You first," I smirked.

She chuckled, "I'll hold you to that."

I never make promises I can't keep.

The friends with benefits scenario worked well for both of us. Liz was a psych major and I was going down the pre-law path so we were each pretty snowed under with our studies. Add to that the fact that we both played fall-season sports and neither of us was left with a lot of free time. But once or twice a week, one of us would send a message or catch the other's eye across a room and the itch would be scratched.

I'd never thought I'd find myself in this situation, but being casually monogamous as Liz put it, was enjoyable. We weren't each other's firsts and wouldn't be each other's lasts, but I genuinely enjoyed her company. She wasn't some vapid girl just using me for status like some of the girls I'd hooked up with in high school.

Liz was fun and intelligent and confident. She was very comfortable in her own skin and felt no shame in asking for what she wanted. The overall effect was hot as hell and I was only too happy to oblige. Like the time I checked my phone right after practice and saw her message.

Liz: Just jogged home in the rain after training. Come get cleaned up with me.

She didn't need to tell me twice.


Everything was going swimmingly in Boston, but Thanksgiving loomed. I phoned Lee to check if he was going home for the break. He answered on the third ring.

"What's up, brother?"

"Hey Lee, just checking in to see what the plans are for Thanksgiving?"

"My plans or someone else's plans?"

Man he could be irritating. "Yours dumbass, I'm trying to decide if flying back for four days is worth it."

"Sure you are. Well yes, I will be going home to see our mother and retain my golden child status. And just in case you were wondering, the Evanses will not be there on turkey day."

"Really?" The surprise evident in my voice.

"Yep. Apparently they are going to spend the day with Linda's family instead."

"Interesting." I wondered how Elle felt about that.

"Yep. I'll probably go meet up with Elle after all the festivities but you needn't worry about another run in with her at home."

"I wasn't really worried."

"Sure you weren't." He sounded smug.

"Goodbye, Lee."

"See you soon, bro."

Well that settled that. I booked my flight and pondered what an Elle-free thanksgiving at the Flynn's would be like.

Turned out it was kind of nice. I brought Chloe with me, in a way to make up for the previous time I'd invited her, which had turned into a complete disaster. I chatted with my aunts and uncles and the couple of cousins who still lived nearby. It was relaxed and somewhat peaceful, despite Mom running around like a crazy person making sure everyone ate more or their glass was topped up.

Late in the afternoon after we'd done the dishes and Lee had escaped, Chloe excused herself and Mom zeroed in on me.

"You seem different. Calmer." She peered at me intently.

"I feel calmer. Life is a little less complex at the moment."

"Uhuh. This newfound serenity isn't just because Elle's not here is it?"

"No it's not. It is simpler not seeing her, but I'm done trying to avoid her Mom. If she's here at Christmas, I'll be fine with it."

"Who are you and what have you done with my Noah?" Mom laughed, her eyes twinkling.

"I know I behaved badly last time I was home, I'm sorry."

"Have you told Elle that?"

"No, I haven't been in touch since."

"Well might I suggest that you get in contact before coming back for Christmas then? You don't exactly have the best track record of maintaining calm when you see one another in person. It might be a good thing to break the ice from afar first."

"Okay Ma, I will. I promise."

On the plane back to Boston, I stretched out, closing my eyes as I settled in for a nap. For the first time since I started college, I felt a sense of balance. I didn't have that feeling of always being in the wrong place. When Elle and I were dating, I never felt like Harvard was the right place. Then after we broke up, being at home didn't feel right either. That underlying sense of unease, of unsteadiness was gone, replaced by a new equilibrium.

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