Pretty much a bunch of imagines about our favorite boy, Timmy, Nic Sheff, etc certain chapters are going to be mature and serious topics may be discussed so beware requests are open!<3
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Timothèe and I have been dating for 2years now and recently we just can't seem to make time for each other, well that's mostly because we're both extremely busy he always has a new project and I have to be modeling at a lot of shows.
So we're basically traveling all around the place and this month is the month we both decided to finally cancel everything and just relax, treat ourselves, and put time for each other unfortunately little did I know that was not going to happen.
It was around 5 pm now and I just got us some donuts and coffee so we could enjoy them on our balcony since the weather was cool now.
I walked to our apartment and got in only to find timothèe reading on our couch looking comfy as ever in his hoodie and sweats honestly all I wanted to do was for us to spend some quality time together.
He looked up from his book and smiled, a smile that I love so much "Hey, what did you get?" He got up and started looking at the bags to see what I got.
I chuckled softly "Just some donuts and coffee." He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me and whispered into my ear "Do you know how much I missed these little moments."
I nodded, and placed a soft kiss on his lips "Come on let's go eat them and maybe watch a movie afterward?" I smiled.
"Alright, the balcony?" He already knew about my plans our balcony was that one spot in our apartment which we always went to, to catch up on things and enjoy our evenings.
As soon as we sat down and started to eat I received an unexpected phone call from my agent she informed me that I had to travel to Paris in two days for a shoot and even though I tried to reason with her she stressed that it was important and I had to go and so I hung up.
An immediate wave of guilt washed over me because I had to leave in two days and it just doesn't seem fair to timothèe, of course with the sudden change in my facial expressions it was obvious something was wrong and he noticed right away.
"What happened?" He asked me slightly concerned and I just chewed on my bottom lip, looking down not really having an answer to give to him I just knew it was gonna be a disaster.
"Come on Y/N, tell me." He held my hand and I had to tell him sooner or later so here goes nothing right?
"Uhm it was Claudia, she said there's this photoshoot and a couple of events after it and I have to be in Paris by Tuesday." I looked at him and his look changed swiftly, he looked so upset and I felt so bad.
"So you definitely have to go?"
"Yeah I didn't want to but she says it's important so I have to."
**Timothèe's POV**
"But you promised, this was the time we were gonna take time off to focus on us and spend it together and now this comes up, you don't even bother to cancel it." I just felt like my blood was boiling we didn't get any alone time for the past few months and now that we plan this she can't even stay.
I just felt upset and angry "But you heard me timothèe, I didn't want to go besides I'll be back in two weeks then we can spend all our time together."
"Wow two weeks seems like nothing to you, maybe I was wrong you don't want to put time and effort into us!" I tried my best not to yell but I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"I never said that." I can tell she was upset too but everything was just happening so quickly.
"Yeah well, you don't have to your actions are showing what you really want if you didn't want to spend time with me you could have just said so!"
"But i-" I got up and left the apartment, I needed to go on a walk right now and calm myself down only a few minutes after I left it started raining and I went to our spot which was a small park with a few benches.
I sat there and just thought to myself, I was so lost in my thoughts that I lost track of time and by now I was completely soaking wet.
**Y/N's POV** Timothèe had been gone for an hour now and the rain got worse, I was worried so I decided to go look for him, I was walking and suddenly it hit me, he probably had to be at our spot we always went there when we were feeling upset.
While I was on my way I decided to call Claudia and cancel the plans I wasn't going timothèe was right and it wasn't fair to him Claudia wasn't too happy but she was so understanding and I was grateful for that.
Just as I reached the park I spotted him straight away and walked up to him "hey I knew you'd be here."
He looked up and I sat next to him "look I know it wasn't fair to you so I canceled it and now we can have this time to ourselves without any distractions I promise."
He was shocked a bit I guess he didn't expect me to do that "But I didn't mean to ruin everything like this are you sure about this Y/N?"
"I just didn't want to mess things up like this but I feel like we barely have time to do anything together anymore and... I just felt like you were acting a bit distant lately."
"Timmy, why didn't you tell me earlier, and besides you didn't mess anything up and that was just because of work you know I would never."
"I know I'm sorry I thought that."
"It's okay I'm sorry too I mean I kinda ruined tonight."
"Nope, all good besides getting wet in the rain is romantic isn't it." He looked at me and grinned, he just looked so adorable.
"I love you." I had the biggest smile ever on my face cause at the end of the day we would always work it out and get through it, and that was what's important.
"I love you too." We shared a passionate kiss and eventually made our way back to our apartment excited to spend the rest of this time together.
(Hi loves I hope this doesn't suck and if it does I promise it'll get better, let me know if you guys have any requests, and have a great day<3)