Pretty much a bunch of imagines about our favorite boy, Timmy, Nic Sheff, etc certain chapters are going to be mature and serious topics may be discussed so beware requests are open!<3
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||TW: Mentions of Substance abuse || Nic's POV** I came to the restaurant which I always used to come to with dad but now I'm here to calm myself down Y/n and I had an argument she knows I'm using again but I can't help it.
You see with addiction it isn't something that you can just put away I was clean for a whole year but pressure and stress got the best of me and Y/n was devastated when she started seeing new bruises on my arms.
I already told her how sorry I was but she just wasn't having it we both yelled and things got out of hand so I did the best thing I could and left home to come here.
I still had some meth with me and it's really tempting me to use it but I know I shouldn't so here I am trying to order something and distract myself from using it.
I just stare out the window and look at people pass by it's such a nice day out it was snowing and Christmas was soon to come so most people had loads of bags with them probably gifts.
I probably spent 2 whole hours like that but with the voices in my head it was getting so hard to ignore them it's like something was constantly eating away at my soul telling me to use it.
It was a bad idea I know but eventually, I gave in so I grabbed my jacket and my backpack making my way to the bathroom I got in a stall and locked the door behind me.
I took it out and prepared it letting the sharp needle puncture my soft skin the feeling was great all my worries and problems suddenly disappeared.
**Y/N's POV** Nic and I had a huge fight I know it's hard for him but what angered me was the fact that he thought I was dumb or something he started using again for a while now and thought that I wouldn't find out.
Today when he came home and went to put his jacket away a little something fell out of it and I decided enough is enough I'm gonna confront him about it.
But he was still in denial so I grabbed his arm tightly and lifted up his sleeve only to reveal lots of new bruises but they were worse than I had imagined them to be so immediately after that he blew up and left.
And I did the next best thing I went over to Nic's parents' house I couldn't keep this from David and Vicki any longer they had a right to know too so after 5 whole minutes of just sitting in my car I finally gathered the courage to go up to their front door and knock on it.
Vicki answered the door with a warm smile on her face and welcomed me, as usual, she was like a second mother to me so it broke my heart when I had to tell her the news "Hi darling." She hugged me as usual.
"Hey, is David here too?" She pulls away "Yeah do you want to talk to him?" Her smile disappeared as if she already knew something was up I nodded "I actually need to talk to both of you."
"Alright let's go upstairs then he's in his office." The walk to his office felt weird and awkward which makes it even worse considering I never feel this way with David or Vicki.
We all sat down together and I started explaining everything to them one by one and they were extremely sad and I felt really bad too but just as we were talking "Y/n, I'm really sorry about this." Vicki told me and I shook my head "No, it's not your fault I'm sure he's gonna get through this too."
I smiled at her "I told him he could always come to us I just don't know what more we can possibly do." David sighed suddenly his phone started ringing and he answered it but his reaction told us it wasn't good news if only we knew what kind of misery this call would bring to all of us.
(Hello loves I hope you enjoyed this as promised a Nic Sheff imagine there will be a couple more parts to this don't worry let me know if you guys have any requests also would you like it if i did some daniel middleton ones as well? Thank you so much for 800+ readers this is unreal I'm so grateful that you guys like and read my stories be sure to vote I love you all and hope you have a great day.)