Pretty much a bunch of imagines about our favorite boy, Timmy, Nic Sheff, etc certain chapters are going to be mature and serious topics may be discussed so beware requests are open!<3
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**Timothèe's POV** Y/n and I were watching a movie and our 3year old daughter runs out of her room crying and we both immediately turn our attention to her and I run-up to her and pick her up, while Y/n followed me.
"Angel, what happened?" I asked her softly and she just snuggled into my chest before whispering "I had a nightmare daddy." I stroked her hair gently while Y/n tried to talk to her and calm her down and asked her "Do you want us to come to sleep with you y/d/n?"
She nodded against my chest "Can daddy come?" I looked down at her and smiled "Of course I can." Y/n watched the two of us and smiled "Okay then I'll wait here if you two need anything call me alright" she kissed y/d/n 's forehead and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek before I took y/d/n to her room.
She was hesitant at first but I finally put her in bed and read her a couple of stories before she went to sleep soon enough I felt pretty tired too before I knew it I fell asleep too.
**Y/n's POV** Timothèe said he'd be back as soon as she went to bed and it's been around 45 minutes now so I decided to go check up on them I made my way to our daughter's room and I opened the door as quietly as I possibly could only to find the cutest sight ever.
I found both of them fast asleep all cuddled up with each other, I made my way to Timothèe and lightly tapped him on his shoulder because y/d/n 's bed was small and he definitely wouldn't be stoked in the morning to wake up and have back pain so I tried to wake him up again.
He barely opened his eyes "W-what's wrong?" I chuckled "Nothing love just get up and go sleep in our bed it's more comfortable there." He closed his eyes again and mumbled an "Mhm" in response meaning he went back to sleep I laughed softly and decided to give up.
I brought them an extra blanket and put it over them before kissing both of them on the cheek "Goodnight." I whispered before making my way to the door and leaned on the door frame for a couple of minutes admiring both of them and being grateful for my husband and this life that we created together.
I couldn't be happier, Timothèe was the best dad ever and he always did his best to keep both y/d/n and me happy also I just loved how overprotective he was over y/d/n he just adores her.
That night I went to bed with the biggest smile ever on my face.
(Hey loves sorry this is short and crappy but I'm really stressed rn anyways hope you guys are having a great day <3)