Pretty much a bunch of imagines about our favorite boy, Timmy, Nic Sheff, etc certain chapters are going to be mature and serious topics may be discussed so beware requests are open!<3
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**Y/n's POV** I was having doubts about everything about my marriage,Timothèe, my love towards him. Hell, I was even wondering if marrying him was the right decision in the first place.
Everything felt like a dream with him at first and it was so smooth sailing that never in a million years would I have thought I would end up feeling this way but right now everything was not right and I felt extremely guilty for feeling the way I did.
He's the best husband ever. He is just so caring, gentle, and loving yet I don't think I love him the way that I'm supposed to as a wife and he deserves that it's his right. He deserves a wife who truly and wholeheartedly loves him and I just can't be that for him right now.
So, I finally decided to tell him that because the sooner it happens and we clear the air the better it is and I'll hopefully feel less guilty this way. I was sitting on our bed just thinking about everything when I heard the door open.
It was finally time, Timothèe had arrived home and before I knew it he approached our bedroom and leaned in for a kiss "Uh hey you're home." I flashed him an awkward smile and he furrowed his brows "Hey aren't you going to kiss me?"
"Well go get changed and let's talk alright?" He looked confused but nodded and went anyways and returned back once he was done, taking a seat next to him "So, what are we gonna talk about?"
"Well, for some time now I have been having doubts about us and about my love for you." Getting these words out felt like the hardest task ever and once I looked at Timothèe he looked back at me dumbfounded "What do you mean Y/n?"
"I just can't be a good wife for you I can't provide the love that you deserve and you need to know it. Right now I can't be a suitable wife for you and I'm sorry."
**Timothèe's POV** I could sense that recently Y/n and I had drifted apart but I thought that was just something that happened to my surprise though she had bigger issues with our entire marriage "Have I done something to make you feel the way you do?"
She looked at me and repeatedly shook her head and grabbed my hand "No absolutely not. You're the most amazing husband a woman could want but the problem is me right now." I nodded trying to understand her feelings as well as my own.
"I love you Y/n." She cupped my face and looked at me "I love you too but I shouldn't have married you." It would be a lie if I said I wasn't sad right now or even upset about the way things are "What are we going to do?" She shrugged and I decided to embrace her tightly who knows it might be our last time like this. I'm sure Y/n appreciated it too.
(Hi everyone, I'm really sorry I've been wanting to upload something for a while now but I've been just so busy and I'm trying to balance everything hopefully I can upload more. Let me know if you guys want a part 2 to this and if you have any requests. Hope you guys all have a great day<3)