Pretty much a bunch of imagines about our favorite boy, Timmy, Nic Sheff, etc certain chapters are going to be mature and serious topics may be discussed so beware requests are open!<3
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**Y/n's POV** Tonight was kind of shitty so a couple of friends and I decided to go to a club to make our mood better we have been in here for at least 30 minutes now and no one interesting has caught my eye yet.
So I just decided to order a couple of drinks and just as I was on my fourth shot suddenly someone caught my eye he was quite tall, charming with brown curls it's like he stood out from everyone else but I was in no mood to flirt so I just looked away probably for the best.
But then he started coming this way and took a seat next to me ordering himself a drink. Okay, maybe small talk wouldn't be bad right? So I gathered it all together and decided to speak to him "Hey rough night for you too?"
He chuckled "I guess you could kind of say so. I'm gonna assume it was for you though." He flashed me a quick smile which made me want to melt "Yeah but even this place is not helping much to be honest."
He looked curious all of a sudden and raised an eyebrow "Why not?" I shrugged "I don't know it's just boring." He shook his head "Nope, we can turn that around. Care to dance?" He bowed holding his hand out.
"Well of course kind sir." I bowed back and grabbed his hand. We went on the dance floor and danced our heart out but that was until a slow song started playing at first it felt a little awkward but once he placed his hands on my waist it was as if I melted with his touch it felt so right.
I placed my hands around his neck and we swayed to the music after a while we decided to call it a night and he insisted on driving me home so I agreed.
**Timothèe's POV** We left the club together and got in my car, she told me her address and we started driving I played some music and she looked at me as if she could burst out in laughter at any moment now.
"That's music that like my grandfather probably listened to!" I was confused "Wait, what's wrong with it? I can turn it off." She started bopping her head to the music "Relax, I actually like it." She smiled at me and all I could say was that she was beautiful words couldn't describe how pretty she was at that moment.
Before we knew it I had reached her apartment and I really didn't want this night to end "Well this is me." Okay, I have to plan another day with her "I really enjoyed tonight." She nodded "Me too, you should come over sometime." I was so happy when so told me that but I tried to play it cool "Uh definitely Friday sound good?"
"Yeah sure come for dinner though you have to taste my cooking." I couldn't help but laugh she was adorable in every possible way "I'm sure it's gonna be delicious Y/n." She looked at me and started leaning in so I did the same.
We started kissing, her lips were so soft they felt amazing our lips moved in sync with one another I slowly started to slip my tongue into her mouth and even our tongues were moving together in perfect harmony after a bit she started kissing my neck gently sucking leaving a trail of marks behind a sense of pleasure took over me and I craved her so much right now so I pulled her chin up and started peppering her face with kisses.
I started kissing down her neck finding her sweet spot and gently sucking it as soft moans escaped her mouth I was leaving purple bruises behind but I didn't care she quickly took off her shirt and so did I "Do you want to go up?" She shook her head "No that's too far I want you now." She pulled me in as my hands started exploring her body and I unclasped her bra.
"You're so beautiful." He whispers while my heart practically beats out of my chest that's exactly when I knew this encounter would bring many new things in my life
(Hi loves hope you enjoyed this, this was my first time writing smut so sorry if it sucks but let me know if you guys want a part 2 to this and I'll do it. I love you all so much and hope you have a great day <3 )