Pretty much a bunch of imagines about our favorite boy, Timmy, Nic Sheff, etc certain chapters are going to be mature and serious topics may be discussed so beware requests are open!<3
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**Y/n's POV** Timothèe and I had recently moved houses and today we were finally unpacking today. I decided to go and decorate our room and tidy it up while timothèe was getting done with the living room.
I took some things out from the boxes and started to place them in the drawers we had before my eyes landed on a spider now see most people wouldn't mind it and would just get rid of it quickly and continue their work.
But I was terrified of bugs and I absolutely couldn't stand them so I screamed as loud as I could and once Timothèe rushed to the door with a look of horror painted on his face which immediately made me feel guilty, but we had to get rid of this damn spider.
"Are you okay? Babe, what happened?" He looked at me dumbfounded and I pointed to the spider "Spider! Over there!" He looked at it and laughed "God Y/n you really need to relax it's just a little thing we'll get rid of it now." He left the room to get some bug spray and came back.
"Wait be careful." I was looking as he sprayed the spider "Thanks for the concern, but that little thing really won't do much love." He came back and I jumped into his arms whispering thanking and kissing him repeatedly as he chuckled "I love you Timothèe my savior."
He rolled his eyes "So I have to kill a spider to hear you say you love me" I shook my head and pressed my forehead against his "I always love you you know that."
**Timothèe's POV** The way Y/n looked at me made me fall in love all over again and I absolutely adored her "I know and you know I would do anything for you right?" She nodded "Always." I pressed a soft and passionate kiss on her lips "Always me and you."
She smiled and that's what I hoped to do. To bring a smile to her face for as long as I possibly can because she deserved that and more.
(Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed that sorry it's so short but I really wanted to give you guys some content, but I promise I'll make a part 2 for it's not good for us with a happy ending. Let me know if you guys have any requests. Hope you all have a great day.<3)