Pretty much a bunch of imagines about our favorite boy, Timmy, Nic Sheff, etc certain chapters are going to be mature and serious topics may be discussed so beware requests are open!<3
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**Y/n's POV** Timothèe and I have been great friends for a really long time now but lately, things have gotten a bit weird well at least for me the thought of it would have probably sounded so wrong to me before but now I don't mind it actually I kind of even like because I can imagine us.
I have caught feelings for him but can't bring myself to tell him about it and sometimes he flirts with me or I think he does but then the next second it's like nothing happened, honestly I feel really confused about our whole situation.
Every time we're together we have a great time but it's always like he's keeping something from me like we can't say everything to each other like we always used to do and tonight we decided that I would go over to his place and we'd hang out together.
I sort of wanted to tell him about my feelings but I was afraid of what might happen if I did as I was getting ready to leave my apartment and go to his I was having a debate on what to do.
Eventually, I decided I better do it or else I might regret everything if I don't tell him and I will always end up wondering what we could have been if I did and with that, I made my way to his place.
**Timothèe's POV** Y/n and I have been great friends and I always enjoyed her company but for a really long time now those feelings changed they got stronger and it's like I can't imagine myself with anyone else but her.
She's just so perfect in my eyes, but I couldn't tell her that because she probably doesn't feel the same way and I'm not taking a chance and ruining this friendship that we have.
Having her in my life was an important deal to me and I couldn't just ruin that by speaking out about my feelings, today we're hanging out in my apartment and I'm trying to clean the place up so it will look good.
And then I lit up some candles around the house to make it look even better but something hit me "fuck is this too much?" I was looking around while running my hands through my hair but that very moment I decided to screw it. I hated feeling like this I have to tell her.
So, I decided to go out and get some pink roses because those are her favorite and finally confess to her I even stopped by to get some of her favorite pizza for dinner, and luckily I got back in time to set everything up.
Just as I was getting ready I heard the doorbell ring so I rushed to open it completely forgetting I'm shirtless "Hey-" I looked at her with a soft smile planted on my face her presence just made me go over the moon "Oh wow- I mean hey." She looks at me and laughs "Giving your neighbors a show huh?"
I shook my head "Well if you come in the only person getting a show will be you." I winked at her and walked back to my room to grab a shirt "So Y/n notice something different?"
She was on the couch and as soon as I got out she looked at me curiously "What do you mean?" I chuckled "The candles idiot." She rolled her eyes "They are nice very romantic but for who were they?" She smirked at me "Oh please you really think of me like that-"
She bursted out laughing "Relax dad it was a joke, but seriously what's the occasion?" I shrugged "Nothing specific I just wanted to do something nice." She looked at the ground as if she was contemplating whether to say something or not.
"We should go eat I'm starving Timmy." The way she called me god even that would drive me crazy.
**Y/n's POV** I was already losing it from the second I arrived heck I even changed to the subject so we could go and eat quickly instead of talking about anything that might make me blurt everything out.
Once we were eating it was normal but Timothèe felt a little weird, tense almost like he was hiding something that was when I opened my mouth to say something but he excused himself and went to grab something that made me kind of worried.
But, then he came back with flowers and my whole face lit up "Omg you did not!" He smiled so sweetly "Now that's what I like to see." Then I decided this was the perfect moment "I have to tell you something." His smile faded away.
"Alright, I'm all ears." I fiddled with my rings "Well I uhm have odd feelings towards you as of lately." He looked at me confused "Odd feelings?" I sighed "God I described it horribly what I mean to say is I like you a lot and I kept it to myself because I didn't know how you'd react or how you felt but I just had to say it."
He was awfully quiet and then he just stood up walked towards me and placed a soft kiss on my lips "Do you know how long I've been wanting to tell you exactly that." I chuckled "Really?" He nodded "Of course but I was scared it might ruin our friendship."
"Well, I'm glad we finally confessed." I grabbed his face and pulled him into a long and passionate kiss.
(Hey loves, this is crappy I know but school has taken up so much of my time but I promise I'll post more chapters hope you enjoyed this one, and let me know if you guys want some Kyle imagines as well? Love you all so much and hope you have a great day<3)