chapter four

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So it might get a little bloody in this chapter. If you don't want to go through those details you can skip them when you come across the *** and you can continue after the ***

The girl at the restaurant really helped with my finances and now am simply waiting for her background check. It wasn’t really hard to find her name. I asked the manager at Liam’s restaurant and she told me.
‘boss here is the report you wanted.’ Carlos said.
Carlos is my assistant and also he is my messenger in the mafia world. He is a loyal member and I wouldn’t trade him.
I gestured that he put the file on the table. He put it on the table.
‘I think you should hire her boss. She is very good at her job.’ He said and went out.
I took the file. She is a mystery and I don’t like that. She makes me curious and I don’t like that either. She had a panic attack and acted like nothing happened. It only shows that she has them regularly and I don’t like that. I made a jab about her appearance and she smiled even though I knew she was offended but she simply made it about me. She fascinates me and she makes me want to know her.
I don’t like it.
I love being in control and I like being aware of anything around me. It keeps me at ease.
I read through the file. Her name is Aqua Tanesha Miles. She is coloured and both parents are dead. She has lived with her uncle for a few years and later run away. She graduated top of her class in high school, she has always been smarter for her age. she has a degree in accounting and a masters in financial management. She used to work for an investment banking company and she bought the wrong stock and was fired and sued. She works at a restaurant and part time at blue silver dance studio.
She has no friends and family. She is always alone. The picture that was taken was of her in her apartment reading a book. She looked beautiful.
Well she really did do a great job with the errors and for some reason I was able to trust her with my money. I believe its cause she is a breath of fresh air. She is not afraid of me and it looks like she doesn’t give a damn about who I am.
My burner phone rang and in picked it up.
‘you need to come to the warehouse. We caught the rat.’ Javier said.
Javier is one of my men and he is one of the trusted men. His family has been in the mafia family for some time now. His father served my father and his grandfather served my grandfather. Javier is the third in command and also my close friend. He is a tech wizard and he can hack into anything. He is also the guy we send to make background checks.

‘clear my schedule Carlos. And call the exterminators. I have a rat to exterminate.’ I said as I walked out.
I got into the elevator and went to the underground parking lot. I got inside my black range rover evoque and drove to the warehouse. The warehouse is in the outskirts and there are a couple of warehouses. The government knows they are warehouses filled with construction goods and some stock as well and that’s all they need to know. The smallest warehouse which is also the largest warehouse is the one I use for the illegal business. Its small on the outside but it has three floors underground. One floor is filled with all illegal goods. The drugs, weapons and its where the dirty money is kept before its cleaned. The other floor is like a gym of sorts and the other floor has an interrogation room and a mini prison.
I parked the car outside and went inside.
‘welcome boss.’ Alex one of the guards said.
I nodded. I unbuttoned my jacket and went straight to where the rat was. This rat‘s name is Hughes and he stole a huge load of drugs and weapons and sold the stuff to a rival gang. He has been conspiring with the other gang and now he has been caught.
I entered the room and he was there.
‘oh boss, you are here.’ He said with a smirk.
‘yes I am. You broke the Omerta code and you know the punish---‘
‘you are so soft. I don’t know why the other men follow you. You are not serious nor ruthless like the other mafia bosses. It was very easy to double cross you. Dont even know where you got your ruthless reputation from or maybe it was your father’s and you inherited it like everything else. You don’t do any work and I have never seen you hold a gun. You are a joke.’ He said.
I scoffed. So that’s why I have been losing respect lately.
‘call in every member around and make sure you take a video. Now!” I said and removed my jacket.

I grabbed Hughes and led him to the centre and men and women in the mafia that were around the warehouse filled up the space. I stood inside the boxing ring. I grabbed Hughes by the scruff and pulled him inside. Some were surprised because Hughes was built like The Rock.
‘it has come to my attention that am not getting the respect I need and---‘
‘that’s because you are a pussy.’ Hughes said.
I punched him so hard I heard a crack. I dislocated his jaw.
‘stop interrupting me. You guys think am a sorry excuse of a mafia boss but trust me its better that I should be like this. But you guys have tested my patience. Hughes will become the wake up call you all need. I do the interrogation, the torture and I killed all the prisoners. If you thought otherwise then you thought wrong.’ I said and I punched Hughes again. I took hold of his arm and I broke it into three. I don’t like using weapons when am punishing a person. I love the feel of skin and the warmth of blood rushing out of their bodies. Call me a psychopath but that’s just how it is. I got a knife and cut through the broken arm and I ripped part of the broken bone off his arm and stabbed his eye with it. his screams filled the room and that was my motivation. I ripped the bone from his eyes and the rest of the eye came with it and punched his nose. A sickening crack echoed in the room and I broke his collar bone and stabbed him with the bone over and over again.
‘am I still a pussy to you?’ I asked and all I could get for an answer was a scream as I dipped my fingers inside his stab wound on his stomach. I managed to fit my hand inside and I got hold of his intestines and I pulled them out. He was bleeding out and he would die any minute. I stuffed the intestines inside his mouth and left him.


‘go drop his body on the doorstep of the gangs headquarters. Write a note and tell them to get ready. Am coming for my goods. And send the video as well. And send that video to all members. It will serve as a reminder to all those who want to cross me. I demand respect and loyalty or else its going to be your fate to meet Hughes.’ I said and went out of the boxing ring.
Some members had lost their breakfasts cause of the scene in front of them and a lot of them had just changed their perspective of me. I act soft because it’s a good strategy. People underestimate me and let their guard down. My parents were afraid I might drive the mafia to hell but I proved them wrong and mom likes the strategy because am much more approachable.
I have always been soft and my brother made me snap. Now he is afraid of me and he is in a wheelchair and missing an arm as well. It happened when I was 12. He was 16 by then and the heir to the mafia throne. Now I am and he runs a charity for handicapped people. He changed from being a self centered prick to a selfless man.
‘I never knew the boss was like that. That was scary as fuck. No horror story can compare.’ Dave said.
‘I told you there was more than what meets the eye. I heard he crippled his brother.’ Den said.
I went to the showers and had a shower to wash the blood off. I dried off and applied some lotion and wore my other suit I kept here in case of what happens. It was a royal blue suit with a white shirt and brown shoes. I fixed my untamed curls and went out.
‘I need a report on the jamaicans by tomorrow and it better please me.’I said.
‘yes boss’ some guy said.
I know most of the members by names. Only the new recruits but I shall know them soon.
My phone rang and I answered it as I opened my car.
‘Celeste Santarino’ I said.
‘its Carlos. I just got a new phone. I dropped my phone in the toilet.’ he said.
‘okay. Reserve a private room at Eleanor’s. I need to hire that girl.’ I said
‘about time.’he said and hang up. Stupid bastard.

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