chapter 19

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Long ass chapter.

I was at the warehouse and I could see some of the men looking through the burnt property.
“how many were injured or killed from the attack?” I asked.
“four died and six are in the ICU and 10 are not fighting for their life”  Liam said.
My mafia is civilised. I have a hospital that generates money for the civilians but it is a hospital were my men can go and get treated without being on the record. Only the civilians from around are the ones that get recorded and they pay for the treatment. I recruited top doctors and that makes my hospital to get more patients because of the specialists that are employed by me.
My employees have the same privileges a normal paying job would give you. The medical scheme, vacation days and the pension as well. I am not that cruel.
“any updates on Ryan?”  I asked.
“he hasn’t left his apartment. It seems  like he is hiding.” He said.
I scoffed.
Carlos came towards me and gave me a tablet that had a report opened on how much I have lost and the amount to repair the damages.
I looked through the report. The warehouse was not a major one but its near the docks and its where I keep the newly arrived shipments before they are taken to the other warehouses and distributed. I had a shipment that held 5 million worth of drugs and a whole container of guns. Fortunately, the guns were for my men and not to be distributed to other gangs.
15 million worth of products is gone. That bastard will cough that money out of his ass.
“good thing the warehouse was insured huh?” carlos said.
“what?” I asked.
“since when do you insure warehouses?” liam asked.’
“well its under one of your aliases. Its insured.” Carlos said.
I nodded my head.
Better get that insurance money soon. I need to rebuild this. It was the perfect spot. Nobody ever suspected it.
“you look nice by the way.” Carlos said.
Liam looked at me and he nodded his head.
“so Aqua dressed you again huh?” Javier said from behind me. We all turned and looked at him.
“yes she did. Got a problem with that?” I said.
“not at all boss. Well I got some intel.” He said.
“what is it?” I asked.
“well your brother is up to no good again. He is conniving with Ryan. He is the one that told Ryan where to find the warehouse. He is paying Ryan for this.” He said.
That brother of mine never learns.
“cancel my meetings for the rest of the day.” I said.
I turned and went to the car. I found one of the men that has been my bodyguard for sometime now. His name is Grey.
“take me to the hospital. I need to pay my older brother a visit.” I said.
I entered the back seat and sat down. I took out my phone and I found Aqua’s text.
You cancelled my meeting again.
-Bunny. You can tell me about it later on tonight.
Well Valerie came over.
Well shit.
I haven’t seen Valerie for some time. Ever since she came to my house and caused that incident with Aqua. That’s what she does, she goes missing and I forget her existence then she just shows up out of nowhere.
“we are here boss. He is room 215.” Grey said.
I got out of the car and walked inside the hospital. The front was filled with people that are waiting for the doctor or nurse for consultation.
I tied the button on the jacket and removed the sun glasses from my face.
“excuse me, but you cant just walk in here like you own the place.” A voice said from behind me.
I spared the person a side glance and I saw it was a nurse. She must be new.
“I do own the place.” I said as I hit the elevator button and patiently waited for the elevator to arrive.
I have the layout of the hospital memorised with all the secret passages in within it. I need to be aware of my surroundings at all times and it makes me feel at ease to be aware of where I am.
The elevator doors opened and I walked inside. My phone started ringing.
“hey bunny” I said as I looked at the numbers switch.
“Valerie is pushing my buttons.” She said. I could hear the frustration from her voice.
“well you can do whatever you want to her baby.” I said.
The doors of the elevator opened and I stepped out. I started walking down the halls of the hospital. He was in the private wing of the hospital.
“where are you?” she asked.
“am at the hospital. Wanted to visit my brother.” I said.
“oh. Don’t do anything stupid.” She said.
I heard Valerie’s voice in a distant but before I could make sense of anything, Aqua hang up.
I opened the door to Caleb’s room.
“hello brother.” I said and smiled at him. I closed the door behind me and locked it.
He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights.
He was watching some show on the television that was opposite his bed.
“C-C-Celeste” he stuttered.
I smiled wider. I pulled a chair and sat right next to his bed.
“so what is this I hear that you are ordering people to damage my products?” I asked as I leaned closer to his body.
I could see him calculating his moved so that he can escape my wrath. His eyes would dart from his wheelchair to the door. Stupid. I am faster than him.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” he said.
His voice wavered a bit and I raised an eyebrow.
“oh?” I asked.
My hand reached out and grabbed his proper arm since his other arm was in a cast again. I put a little pressure on his arm.
He was trying to act tough but I could see how much pain he was in.
“so now you will tell me why you did that shit and maybe just maybe I wont break your hand again. What did the doctor say again? You have your hand broken again they might cut it off?” I asked.
“they wont cut it off. Got new technology.” He said.
“guess I will have to cut it off alone.” I said.
Just the thought of his screams of pain when I have to cut off his limb off his body with no numbing pain has me smiling. I gave him a big megawatt smile and I saw him shift uncomfortably.
“stay away from me you fucking psycho!!” he exclaimed and tried to reach the nurse’s button.
“that’s so rude. You don’t want to talk to me.” I said and added a fake pout at the end.
“you are so crazy.” He said.
“you are so mean to me.” I said as I stood up. He gulped and looked at me without blinking as if, if he blinks he might miss some sort of movement from me and he might end up hurt. That is true. But I like my play things to be aware of everything I am doing. Sneak attacks are really fun but the head on attacks are even a lot more thrilling.
I circled the bed and reached the side where the nurse’s button was and I could see him try and scoot to the other side away from me.
“you shouldn’t be so afraid of me” I bent to his eye level and stared straight into his eyes.” You should be terrified. I will hurt you. And I will make you beg me to end you, and then I will let you live. You will suffer. Cross me again and I will end your life in ways you have never deemed possible and I will make sure it hurts. And I will soak in your screams and that will give me satisfaction. I might even cum from it. That’s how much pleasure your suffering gives me.” I said. I meant every word. Maybe except for the cumming part. I am not that crazy.
I hummed in satisfaction when I saw the utter fear in his eyes. He was trembling and he was trying to keep a passive front but I could almost smell the fear from him.
“you are a monster.” He said with a trembling voice.
“you made this monster.” I said and stood up straight.
I reached for his good hand and applied enough pleasure till I head a crack. He screamed and tried to release his hand from me. 
I heard rushing footsteps and I unlocked the door just in time to find two nurses burst into the room.
“what happened?” one of the nurses asked me.
Caleb was groaning like a little bitch about his wrist.
“my brother is so clumsy, I think he just broke his wrist.” I said.
Caleb stared at me in disbelief but I knew that he wouldn’t dare disagree with me.
“we might have to take a look at it.” Said one of the nurses.
My phone rang again and it was Liam.
“yes.” I said as I answered the phone call.
“it seems like Ryan will be travelling tonight. He just booked an air ticket.” He said.
“meet me at his place.” I said.
I looked at Caleb and gave him a smile.
“I will see you later big brother.” I said.
I didn’t stick around to see the reaction. I went out of the room and made a beeline to the exit of the hospital.
“Mr Santarino!” I heard a person call behind me.
Don’t they know it’s a hospital? They are not supposed to be shouting like this. They might give people a heart attack or simply finish off the patients that are already on life support.
I stopped and turned around only to have a body bump into me and have hair all over my face. My nose felt ticklish.
“oops sorry.” She said and moved but was still in my personal space.
“ever heard of personal space?” I said.
She moved a few steps back and I finally saw her. She was beautiful but not really my type of person to be with.
She had brown hair with blonde highlights, a straight nose, small lips and big blue eyes. She had the typical Caucasian look going on and honestly its just not that impressive to me. I have had people that look like her throw themselves at me all the time its like having the same app over and over again just with added features.
I love Aqua and she is a breathe of fresh air. I think I like black girls now. What did Aqua say again? Ah yes. Once you go black you never go back.
She had medium sized breast. A little shy off a C-cup and she looks like she works out. She was in a pink silky blouse that showed off some cleavage and a white tight skirt that showed off her little curves. Her legs looked toned too and her feet were clad in some cream coloured heels.
“yes?” I asked. She was just looking at me like she lost her marbles.
“oh yes. I just wanted to personally show my gratitude for your cooperation and for granting the funding for the children’s ward for the cancer patients. The equipment is doing so—”
“you can personally show your gratitude in an email that am going to let my assistant read and reply to. Don’t waste my time of trivial matters that entail my job description. Talking about jobs, you should be doing yours instead running in the halls, shouting and bumping into people. You might not learn that in med school but surely you had a hall monitor in high school.” I said and turned around.
“you didn’t have to be a jerk about it” she said.
I scoffed. A person is deemed a jerk when they speak the hard truth. It’s a bitter pill to swallow but you still have to swallow it. I am a busy person. I cant run a business empire and a mafia empire and have to listen to people stop me just to say thank you for something I was obligated to do. If you are so thankful, show it by working extra hard and giving the satisfaction that was supposed to bring.
I got a notification and it was a video from Carlos. This better be good.
I got into the elevator and pushed the button for lobby. I played the video.
The video was for Aqua beating the shit out of Valerie. I wish I was there to see this.
Valerie was talking smack about Aqua and I could literally see how Aqua went from nonchalant to pissed in a span of thirty seconds. Valerie was very oblivious to the emotion change in the other party and she didn’t see Aqua removing her earrings, jacket and her shoes as well.
Aqua punched Valerie straight in the mouth and before she could recover, she got punched in the nose. I could hear Belle and Carlos cheer her on.
Valerie pounced on Aqua and they tumbled down. That’s when the real girl fight started. Valerie was straddling Aqua and trying to get some hits on Aqua but Aqua had shielded her face. Valerie was scratching Aqua. Then Aqua got the upper hand and she was the one on top. She started slapping Valerie who was screaming my name and crying for help at the same time she was calling Aqua names.
“did she just call Aqua the N-word?” I heard Carlos ask
“yeah she did and I think she heard” Belle said.
Aqua stood up and she started kicking her and then she took hold of Valerie’s hair and started to pull only for the hair to get stuck in her hands.
“bitch you be coming in here with fake hair and bald spots?” Aqua said and got hold of the real hair and pulled her towards the elevator with Valerie full blown crying and screaming.
She pushed the button and while waiting for the elevator to arrive, she started bitch slapping Valerie for each word she spoke.
“next time you come here talking smack make sure you know how to fight. You are such a whiny bitch that’s all bark but no bite.” She said.
Valerie’s face was red, she had a bleeding nose, lip and brow. Her nose looked crooked and she looked like she might need a tooth or two. She had bald spots in her hair.
The elevator came and she literally threw Valerie in the elevator. And made a motion of dusting herself.
“and that’s how you take out the trash.” She said and walked away.
The camera turned and I saw Carlos.
“boss, you have graced us with the best Queen ever. I thought your mom was cool but this is epic.” He said and turned off the camera.
I was already in the car and heading to Ryan’s condo. The group chat was very active and I can only think of one thing. Aqua beating up Valerie.
“we are here sir.” Grey said.
This motherfucker lived in one of my real estates. I own a few buildings that house my men and make up a good front for laundering my dirty money. He stays in one of them.
I got out of the car and walked to the entrance. Liam and Javier were waiting for me on the entrance and they were on their phones.
“is he inside?” I asked.
‘yes. He still is.” Javier said.
“good.” I said. I walked into the lobby and the receptionist just looked at us. Three men in formal attire and they are all walking into the building like the own the place. Well I do.
“so how are you doing this?” Liam asked.
After that run in with that mole Hughes, I have been doing the torture solo but it sucks because I barely get any playthings and so far my brother was the only one willing to play with me. Cue in the sad pout.
“you cant just go to the elevator.” She said.
“it speaks after all” I mused.
“I will deal with her.” Liam said.
Great. He will obviously flirt and then fuck her behind the counter. That fucker has been arrested twice for fucking in public. And if he wants some, he gets some. He had sex with my cousin at my aunt’s funeral. And if it was any other cousin it would be fine but no, he fucked the deceased’s daughter. Talking about how he was comforting her.
Comfort? With your dick? While her mother was being laid to the ground? Dude.
Penny is just a big wild card and it sucks how she thought she would be with Liam after that. Like why would you think that if he fucked you at your mother’s funeral. He had no respect for you and your mother and you thought he would wife you? Sometimes girls just go out looking for things in places that don’t exist.
Now off to the important things. How am I going to deal with Ryan?
The elevator dinged and we went out of the little metal box.
“hello” I said to the two men in the hall ways. They acted like the maintenance crew when in reality they were keeping an eye out.
“boss.” They said.
“get the cleaning crew ready.” I said
I knocked on the door and patiently waited for him to come to the door. I am a decent human being and I respect a person’s space. Well sometimes.
I heard footsteps and then I could imagine him trying to look at the peephole and not see anything but the hallway. He opened the door. Stupid.
“C-C-Celeste.” He stuttered.
I smiled and got inside.
“so how are you Ryan?” I asked.
“i-i-i…I am fine” he said trying to mask his fear but the little boy cant do that even if he tried.
The fear is written all over his face.
“So Aqua wanted me to come here and personally invite you for dinner. Something about trying to have a fresh start or some bull shit like that.” I said while I looked around the room and I could feel his eyes on me trying to calculate my every move. Second time today.
“really?” he said. Sucks. He didn’t stutter.
“yes. What other reason would I be here for?” I asked as I stopped by a picture frame of him and a girl. Am guessing that’s the girlfriend.
This was his chance to come clean.
“uh. Uhm no reason at all. Its just uhm..surprising that she uh uhm wants to uh---” he was interrupted by Javier who was in the kitchen and going through his fridge.
“you should throw out some stuff from here. That mac and cheese is bad bro. boss, you should tell boss lady to make some mac and cheese for dinner today.” He said as he started to look for what am assuming is a fork or a spoon.
“you are stuttering a lot.” I said as I walked near him and he walked away from me.
“I mean like its not like I did anything or like uh…maybe I uh..” he stopped talking because we all knew that he was about to break.
“now am curious. Is there something we should know?” I asked.
Javier was so into whatever he was eating that he was humming a tune and nodding his head to the sound.
“no. nothing at all. I know nothing about the warehouse.” He said.
I raised an eyebrow and when he realised what he said I could see his face morph into surprise and then to mortification. I smiled at him and I literally saw him thinking of a way to escape.
“uh I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You are going to sit there like a good pet you are and you are going to let me torture you.” I said as I removed my jacket.
He just stood there like a retard.
“sit.” I said with authority. He sat down immediately.
I started rolling my sleeves up to my elbows and I kept my eyes trained on him and they held him captive.
“so you have the guts to listen to the foolish brother of mine and blow up my warehouse. Burnt 15 million worth of shit. You are going to pay that money. With your sweat and blood. Oh look you have already started sweating.” I said.
Javier sat down on the dining table and brought out his laptop.
“I-I-I d-don’t have that kind of money” he said.
“you should have thought about that before you blew up my warehouse.” I said. I grabbed his shoulder and he tensed up.
I leaned towards him and he leaned away from me.
“I can literally smell the fear from you” I said.
“am not afraid of you psycho.” He said in a shaky voice.
I scoffed.
“everybody calls me a psycho. It hurts my feelings.” I said.
“I didn’t know you were capable of having feelings” he said.
“if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be with your sister.” I said.
“that bitch. she was such a good slut. Took all this dick like the---”
I punched him. I held him with one hand and continuously punched him with the other hand. I heard three cracks and I couldn’t care what I broke but his grunts of pain were satisfying. His face was bloody and had a mixture of tears and sweat.
He just ruined my rhythm. I was planning on dealing with this smoothly but he just had to rile me up. How could he speak about my Aqua like that? Such a precious soul.
I left him and he slumped down the chair.
“I hate it when I do things without thinking. Now look at what you have done.” I said and left him there. Javier was so into whatever he was doing that he wasn’t paying attention to anything I was doing.
“am not going down without a fight.” I heard Ryan mutter.
I turned to look at him but he was already charging at me with a dagger. Stupid.
I grabbed his hand that had the dagger and I hit a nerve on his shoulder juncture that made his left hand useless. Before he could react I turned his hand and pointed the dagger towards him. I pushed the dagger into his chest and I dragged the dagger down until it reached the navel. I removed the dagger from his grip and threw it down. He was bleeding but he was still very much alive. Well not for long. His intestines came out and I dipped my hand inside his gut and got a hold of his heart. I could feel the warm blood all over my hand. he was now leaning on me. Getting me all bloody and messy. I don’t mind it though.
“I have always wanted to do this.” I said as I squeezed the precious organ in the human body and I ripped it off. needed a little strength but I got it.
I pushed his body off me and dropped the organ down.
“I have wired his money and liquidated his assets and they have all been transferred to your accounts. I hope you don’t mind but I just changed his Lamborghini to be mine. And—what the actual fuck?” he said. He looked at me and then the mess I made.
“you never cease to surprise me.” He said.
At first, he used to be afraid of me but I guess he no longer is or he just got better at hiding his fear. But I do know that he would never cross me. I have all of his loyalty and I know he would never do anything stupid.
One time he was given an offer to double cross me, but after he witnessed me kill a man twice my size with just a knife. He came to me and told me about the offer and I came up with a way to help him out of the blackmail.
He knows my dirty secrets and I know his. I told all my inner circle to come forth with any secrets that can be used as blackmail and told them to be free to come straight to me when they are found in such predicaments. I don’t take well to betrayal.
I wonder if I have all of Aqua’s loyalty. I would hate to kill her if she ever betrays me. I love her but that doesn’t mean that I will lose a few brain cells in the process of loving her. So I pray, she never double crosses me because unlike all the people she has met in her past, I wont hesitate to kill her and I will make sure I do the job right.

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