Chapter 34

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*1 year later*

Jasmin's POV

Do and I are in an official relationship now.  Also, since I'm dating Do and I don't have a problem with Joan, her and Mama are getting married in three months.

Do and I are on a date right now, holding hands as we skate around the roller rink.  "Never thought I'd be dating my future stepsister."  I say.

"A lot can change in a year."  She says, brightly smiling.  "I'm glad I warmed up to you."

"I am, too."  We grab each other's hands and spin around, giggling and smiling at each other.

When we stop spinning, I pull her close to me, kissing her.  "I love you, Do."  "I love you, too, Mommy."


Mama, Do, Joan, and I are sitting in a formal wear shop.  I'm just watching them pick out dresses for the wedding.  After that, we're gonna pick out a suit for me to wear.

"What are the colors for the theme again?"  I ask Mama.  "Pink, white, and gold."

Ooooooo, so I'll get to see Do in a pink, white, or gold dress?  She's gonna look so good.

Mama comes out in a beautiful wedding dress.

Mama comes out in a beautiful wedding dress

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Our jaws drop.  "Wow, Ma.  You look......amazing."  "Honey, you look breathtaking."  Joan says in complete awe.  "This is the one."  Do says.  I agree completely.

Next is Joan Chi.  She comes out, and I'm absolutely astonished.  She chose a Vietnamese-styled dress.

  She chose a Vietnamese-styled dress

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"Joan, you HAVE to get this one."  I say.  Ma covers her mouth, taken by her bride-to-be.  "Mom, you always look gorgeous, but this is the most gorgeous you've ever been."

Do is next.  I lick my lips at the sight of her in her dress.

She looks so fucking sexy, I could jump her right here

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She looks so fucking sexy, I could jump her right here.

"Wow, B-  Do, you look incredible."  "It's a crime to look better than the bride,"  Joan says, smiling from ear-to-ear.  "My daughter is so beautiful."

I agree.  She really is.

And I'm gonna marry her.

I'm last, but definitely not least.  I put on a pink floral suit.  I look at myself in the mirror.  I look hot.

I primp the jacket, licking my lip and smiling.  I step out.

Do's looking at me like I'm the most beautiful thing she's ever seen, admiration filling her eyes

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Do's looking at me like I'm the most beautiful thing she's ever seen, admiration filling her eyes. "You look absolutely delicious."  Do says.

I wanna marry her in this suit.

"Should I get it?"  I question.  "Definitely."  Mama says.


"You looked.  So good earlier."  Do says to me.  Joan and Mama are out celebrating their engagement, so we're chilling on the couch.

"I was surprised our moms didn't get suspicious when you told me I looked delicious."  I say, smiling.  "I couldn't hold it in.  Jasmin, you're the only masculine lesbian out of all of us, and it really works for you.  You're so different, and incredibly sexy.  Jasmin..."

"Yeah?"  "Fuck me."

And that's all it took for me to fuck her with my strap.

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