Chapter 30

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Jasmin's POV

   Do starts kissing me out of nowhere.  "Do-"  I try to speak, her kissing me cutting me off.  I put some distance between us by putting my hands on her chest and pushing.

"What's wrong?"  She says before going back to kissing me, her hands roaming my body.  I push her away again.

"We have to be more careful, ok?  We can't be all lovey dovey when other people are around.  Jasmine's onto us."

"Kk, yeah, got it."  She says quickly and lifts herself onto the counter.  She pulls me closer by her legs, kissing me again.

I fall into it this time, lifting her leg to my hip.  Suddenly, the door knob jiggles.

I quickly pull away and she hurries to jump down from the counter.  She gets in a pose, leaning onto the counter, acting casual, as I act casual as well.

Joan walks through the door before closing and locking it.  "Hey, girls.  What are you two up to?"

"Just chit chatting.  How was work?"  Do answers.  "It was good.  Didn't have any rude customers today."

"That's good."  Do says.  "Do you girls wanna help me with dinner?"  "Sure."  We say.


I creep into Do's dark room, quietly closing the door back.  I tiptoe over to the bed and slowly climb in.

Her body turns over, her beautiful eyes looking into mine.  "What are you doing here?"  She smiles.

"I wanted to sleep with my princess."  I smile back.  We passionately kiss for awhile, her cuddled up to me, her hand on my chest, before she pulls away.

"That was a close call."  She says.  "Yeah.  Just imagine if we were slow by a few seconds.  I can't imagine how Joan would take it.  She'd probably kick us out for being incest or something."

"It's not incest if we're not related."  "Let me rephrase that.  She'd probably kick us out for crossing boundaries."

"I don't care what she'd think about it.  I want you, Jasmin, and I'm not gonna let her or your mom stand in the way of that.  We fell for each other, and we can't help that."

"That's true.  We've also done other things,"  I smile.  "They'd flip if they found out."

"Wanna do some of them again?"  She says, smirking at me.  "I thought you'd never ask."

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