Chapter 18

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Jasmin's POV

   "You ever skied before?"  I ask Do, both of us on top of the snowy hill.  "Hell yeah, plenty of times.  I'm basically a pro at this point."

"Alright, Ms. Pro.  Race ya to the bottom!"  I say with a smile.  "Oh, you're on!"

We start going down the slope, and I'm feeling the rush in my veins.  I'll give it to her, she's really good.

We reach the bottom soon, her beating me to it.  "Impressive, ma'am."  I say, smiling at her.  "Told ya."  She cockily smiles.

"You're pretty good yourself."  She compliments me.  "Aw, thank you."  "Of course.  Where'd you learn how to ski?"

My face goes grim and I look down at the ground.  "Um...Gisette taught me."  She puts a hand on my shoulder, making me shift my eyes to hers.

Her face is riddled with pity.  "Aaawwww, I'm sorry, Jasmin.  I didn't know.  You know I'm here for you if you ever wanna let anything out.  I didn't mean to bring her up."

I instantly hug her, taking her by surprise.  She hugs me back.  "It's ok, Do.  You didn't know."

My mama and Joan appear in front of us, making us disband the hug.  "Come on, girls.  Time for campfire time."  My mama says.


We're sitting around the campfire, roasting weenies and marshmallows, sipping on hot chocolate.

Do and I make ourselves some smores, munching on them.  As much as I'm trying to distract myself from it, I can't help but be anxious about coming out to my mom.

I just spit it out.  "Ma, I got something to tell you."  Everyone's attention is on me now.

"Yeah, baby?"  "I......I'm gay."  She laughs.  The fuck are you laughing for?  Being gay isn't funny.

"Girl, I been knew."  I make a confused expression, raising a brow.  Huh?  "W-What do you mean?"

"It's obvious you don't like boys.  You never have.  You've never had a boyfriend, you never talk about them.  I see the way you look at females, then try to act like you're not.  Plus, you know Hayley Kiyoko songs.  And why were you so nervous to tell me?  Hell, I'm gay.  And even if I wasn't, it wouldn't have changed anything.  I'm your mother, and I love and accept you no matter what."

Well that makes me feel a whole lot better.  "Well that makes the four of us then."  Joan says with a smile.

I turn my attention to Do.  "Wait, Joan knows you're gay?"  "Of course she does.  I came out to her when I was ten.  You were the only one in the closet, Jasmin.  I'm proud of you for coming out, though."  She smiles at me.

Maybe I wasn't so discreet after all.

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