Chapter 32

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Do Chi's POV

I wake up with a yawn and a stretch. I go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I take a hot shower, feeling the water getting out the tenseness in my body.

After putting on my clothes, I knock on Jasmin's door. "Good morning, Beautiful." I say, knocking on the door again.

Hm. No answer. I knock one more time. "Jasmin, you in there?"

Still no answer.

I don't think much of it and start searching around the house. "Jasmin?" I call out. Still no sign of her.




She's not fucking here.

Jasmin's POV

It feels so good to finally be outside again.  I can breathe the crisp air instead of being in that stuffy ass house.

I skip over to the bowling alley.  I pay for everything and put on the bowling shoes.

I walk over to my lane with the bowling ball.  I put my fingers in the holes and roll the ball.

The ball hits the pins with a loud clashing sound.  "Haha!  Strike, baby!"


I'm five strikes in.  I'm about to roll the ball again, when this woman walks up to me. 

"You're really good."  I turn to her.  "Thanks.  I've liked bowling ever since I was younger.  I don't really do it anymore, so I thought I'd get back into it."

I roll the ball, getting another strike yet again.

"What's your name?"  "Jasmin.  How 'bout you?"  "Margerie, but people call me Marge."  We shake hands.  "Nice to meet you."  "Nice to meet you, too."  She says, smiling.

She rolls her ball down her own lane, getting a strike as well.  "You're pretty good, too."  I say.

"Bet I can beat you."  She says as she smiles.  "Oh, you're on."  I smile back.


Marge and I tied, both getting ten strikes in a row.

"Well, looks like you're a formidable opponent."  She says with a smirk.  "I can say the same for you.  Hey, I gotta get back home.  It was nice to meet you."

"You, too."


I walk through the door of the house, only to be thrown up against it.  "Stop going places!  Do you want to die, huh?  Do you want me to lose you?!"  Do says, my face in her hands, having crazy eyes.

"Do, I'm sorry-"  She interrupts me with a kiss.  I start moaning into the forceful kiss.

She pulls back.  "Do I have to teach you a lesson?"  "Teach me a lesson?"  "Yes."

"And what lesson is that?"  "The lesson to stop going out."  Her hand goes into my shirt, playing with my nipple.

"Are you gonna stop, hm?  Are you going to fucking listen to me?"  She says.

"Stop it, Do."  I say, moaning.  She does as I say.

I kinda......wanted her to keep going.

"Just stop going out, Jasmin.  You're supposed to be here."

She walks away, going back to her room.

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