Chapter 16

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Jasmin's POV

   Do Chi and I are making out on the couch, her straddling me with her arms wrapped around my neck, and my hands on her hips.

She pulls away.  "Jasmin?"  "Yeah?"  "Remember when I told you I was crushing on someone?"

"Yeah."  "It's you.  You're the one I'm crushing on."  She smiles.  "Really?"  I smile back.  "Yes."

"But why, though?"  "Because you're so sexy, and you're so fun to hang out with.  I enjoy our dynamic."

"Come here."  I try to kiss her.  "Uh, uh, uh."  She says, pulling away from me.  "What's wrong?"  I say with a frown.

"There's something I need you to do for me first."  "Yeah?  What's that?"  "I need you to admit that you're a lesbian."

I roll my eyes and smile.  I sigh.  "I......I'm a lesbian."  "Woooooo!,"  She says, clapping enthusiastically.  "Isn't it so refreshing to be out the closet?  It's fun out the closet."

"Yes,"  I chuckle.  "Now come here."  She initiates a passionate kiss.  The sound of the door opening makes her jump off of me and sit next to me on the couch.

"Get to packin', girls!  We're going on a road trip!"  My mom says enthusiastically.

"Road trip?  Where are we going?"  I question Ma.  "To the cabin in the mountains."  Joan Chi says, standing behind her.

"Y'know, the one you, me, and Gisette used to go to."  "Oo, oo, oo!  I love road trips!  It's gonna be so much fun!"  Do says, excitedly jumping up.

A road trip with me and Do Chi and our parents in the mountains in a cozy ass cabin?  This should be interesting.

"What's the rooming situation gonna be?"  I ask.  "Joan and I are gonna have our room, and you and Do are gonna share a room, of course."  Ma responds.

Oh Lord.

I can see it now.  Do is just gonna try to fuck me the whole time.

"Get goin', girls.  We leave at sundown."  Ma says.  Her and Joan walk away.

I look at Do Chi, and she's already smirking at me.  "You know what that means."  She mischievously says.

"Do, are you crazy?"  She rolls her eyes.  "Oh come on, Jasmin.  We've already crossed the line."

She's right.  We have already crossed the line.

"But we're gonna be stepsisters."  "You weren't saying that when you were eating my pussyyyyyyyyy."  She mischievously smiles wide.

She immediately tries to kiss me.  I stop her by putting my hands on her chest.  She looks at me with a frown.

A few moments of hesitation go by.  I sigh.  "Fine."  We start kissing.  Some time goes by before I remember we need to pack.  I pull away. 

"Come on, Do.  We gotta pack."  "Fine, but you're giving me head as soon as we get there."


All of our luggage is in the car now, and we finally hit the road.  "Are you excited, girls?"  My mom says, manning the steering wheel.

Joan is in the passenger's seat next to her, and Do is on the opposite side of me.

"Yep!  I've never been to a cabin in the mountains before!"  Do Chi responds excitedly.

"Eh."  I say, looking out the window.  "Aaawwww, come on, Jasmin.  Be excited.  This is our first family road trip together."  Ma says.

For the last time, I don't want a new fucking family.  They're not even married anyway.

"Gisette wouldn't like this."  I say.  Ma sighs.  It's true.  She wouldn't.  That cabin was special to us.  Is Ma just forgetting that?  That was our special place, just for the three of us.

"Jasmin, please-"  "Are you also forgetting that Gisette wouldn't like the fact that you're trying to remarry someone else?"  I say, looking at her.

"Jasmin, stop it!  Right now!"  I roll my eyes, looking away from her and back out the window.

Fuck this.  I put in my earbuds and turn on my music.  I turn it all the way up so I can drown out everyone else.

Do Chi's POV

I look over at Jasmin.  What was that about?


Jasmin's POV

My earbuds just died, so I take them out and put them in their charger.  "Oo, you know what we should do?"  Do says to everyone.

"What would that be, Do, sweetie?"  Ma says.  "We should do a sing-along!"  "Oh God no."  I say in horror, a disgusted expression on my face.

"Come on, Jasmin.  Don't be such a downer."  Ma says.  Is it too late to open the door, tuck and roll, and yeet out the car?

"What song should we sing?"  Joan Chi says.  "Oo, lemme pick it."  Do says.  They're seriously doing this?

She picks a song from her phone.  They start singing "Girls Like Girls" by Hayley Kiyoko.

Do looks at me with a smile, expecting me to sing it.  I'm not doin' that shit.  I ain't gon' lie, I love the song.  I just hate this moment.

"Saw your face.  Heard your name.  Gotta get with you.  Girls like girls like boooooys do.  Nothin' new."  They sing.

I wanna shoot myself.  In the head.  Then throw myself from a cliff.  Into a circle of ravenous sharks.

They get really into it. 

The song is like halfway over, and I just want this shit to be done.  Do nudges me with a smile as she sings.

I don't budge, and she unbuckles her seatbelt and sits in the middle.  She leans onto me.

Still not doin' it.


Oh my fucking God.  How obnoxious can she be?  But......I have to is kinda cute.  Fine.

I give her a small smile and start singing along.


My mom claps momentarily.  "There you go, Jasmin."  She says, wearing a bright smile.

We continue to do sing-alongs, and, as much as I hate to say this, I'm actually having fun for once.

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