5-The Start Of Something New

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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Heartbeat- Suran (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon OST)


-S O R A-

Can you imagine how's life being the first lead? Like what a dream come true for me.

For once and for all, you are the catch to them.

But I never thought about who would be the people that will go for me. I never thought deeply about it and I was too busy to ponder about that dream that will probably not come true.

I woke up feeling so refreshed though I slept late last night because of work but waking up early like this is really unusual to me.

I left my house after showering and getting ready for my work at the company, and managed to make toast with jam just before I rushed out.

I took a glance at my wrist watch before averting my attention to my front where a car just arrived right in front of me.

The car's window rolled down as the driver placed both his arms on the steering wheel as like resting it for awhile. The driver smiled and tilted his head a bit to the side while looking at me who's still eating the last part of my toast.

"What? "I asked, still munching on my food as he scoffed a bit and pushed the lock button of the car open, before leaning from the car seat he was sitting to the door of the other side where the passenger seat located beside the driver's seat was.

"You're earlier than usual, Orange "He said as he handed me a wet tissue for me to wipe my hands after I entered his car.

"You're also earlier than usual, Soy Bean" I rolled my eyes playfully at him as he let out a small chuckle at my remark that return his too.

"don't forget to buckle on your seatbelt or I'll have to sew you to the seat if you don't. Also, let's get a proper breakfast at there since it's too early. I have something to discuss with you anyways about today's meeting later "he said as he started to drive to the place he meant that's actually not that far away from my place.

"you can't even insert a thread in the needle, how are you suppose to sew me to the seat huh Choi Soobin? I'll be the one who'll sew you, in that case "

"Well then, I shall buy all of the threads and needles in this country or I'll be sewn to my seat if I don't " he glanced at me with his usual smile as I poked that dimple of his.

"Aigoo....you're all grown up now. You used to be the little Soy Bean in our group but now, you're taller than me "I stopped poking his dimple as we now arrived at our destination.

We ordered our food as we discussed regarding work while waiting for the food.

"10 am later, you'll be my substitute and attend the meeting with our new client Hit Corp at their building. You just need to seal the contract with them then you're done, because we discussed it earlier with all the terms and conditions and today, I was supposed to seal the contract with them myself , but there is a sudden meeting with other companies. Don't worry because the meeting place is not that far away from Hit Corp, so just wait for me outside their company until I'm done to pick you up "he informed as I nodded, taking note of today's task.

Second Lead; 애인없는 세상에서 깨어 났어- CSB FFWhere stories live. Discover now