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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

Because of you -Kim EZ, My Introverted Boss OST


-S O R A-

I knocked on the door of the meeting room with my finger to inform the person inside that I'll come in. My other free hand twisted the silver doorknob and pushed the door slowly that left a faint creaking sound.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards the man who has his back facing me as the sound of my heels clicking on the floor could be heard. I placed the file of documents at the long meeting table, right beside the man's fingers that's tapping lightly on the table.

"Sora-sshi, please sit down for awhile. We seriously need to talk, now that I meet you face to face. I'm not that stupid, I know you've been in your boss's room, hiding all the time. You can't avoid me forever so let's have a proper talk now please.... "The man voiced out as he spinned the chair around so he'll see me now who's about to evacuate the room to leave him alone.

My brain and heart were arguing inside yet, I chose to sit down on one of the chairs and decided that we need to settle this down like a proper adult. What he said just now is true afterall, I just can't avoid him forever.

He finally smiled in relief as that contagious smile made the ends of my lips form a small smile too.

"Sora... First of all I'm really sorry if I hurt you inside without me realizing. Yes, I do like Hara but at the same time I feel confused too...do I really like her or am I just attached to her because of her always being kind to me? That night after you ranaway from me at the beginning tree, I couldn't sleep well and I seriously regretted my confession. I stayed up all night trying to figure out my real feelings and I swear that I almost went to your room to sleep there and apologize, but my confidence that time said no. Why did you say that to her Choi Yeonjun? Why did you make her cry when you promised not to make her cry again? I still remember clearly the next day when I didn't see you downstairs having breakfast and preparing mine like you always do. It was so silent all day long and I've been searching for you at every places and even waited for you at the beginning tree, hoping that with me there, I'll restart it all. Restart us and start a real new beginning, but you never came. You didn't left me a note of you leaving and that left me devastated but I still stay because if I don't, you'll come back home without me there. I waited and waited for months until Hara came to me and tell me a place where you'll might be all along, Seoul. She asked me to go there and explain it all and sort it all out with you while she'll be the one waiting for you there incase you come back. I was back and it took a really long time to find you so I took over my father's company and I did a good choice. I found you now and is telling you everything right here "his explanation was long that it made me mute as I listened to it as he leaned his body forwards to move the chair with small wheels attached at the feet of it closer to me.

"If there's something in this world that I'm really confident and sure about is, liking you. It's been years already and my mind can't get over you and I've been trying to confirm it countless of times. I like you Sora, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I need to be punished and that's why I won't force you, this time, I'll wait for you to come into my arms just like those days. You've been waiting for me in those wonderful days but now it's my turn because I deserved it for keeping you waiting "a small sigh escaped from his soft pinkish lips and that smile came back again.

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