Episode 2

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Monster screeches and screams, mixed with grunts and yelling from the characters of the video game on the TV filled the dimly lit room. Rosh and Ayub focused on the screen as their fingers ticked away at the buttons on the controllers. Another typical night of gaming had commenced long ago, the minutes ticking away without thought. They both briefly looked up when they heard someone shuffle into the room, "Simon, took you long enough to show up," Rosh teased as she spun in her chair to face him while he sat on the bed beside Ayub. Simon opened his mouth to make a jab back at her when Ayub suddenly threw his hands up, "Rosh, pay attention you just got me killed, you were supposed to be my cover!" He complained, shaking his head. Rosh just looked over to her friend, making a face before they both started laughing. "Anyway... I'm here now, and since you just died that means it's my turn to show you how to really play," Simon hummed as he took the controller from Ayub who just rolled his eyes in response. The group always found it easier to show their love and care for each other through teasing and playful jabs, rather than outright saying it.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Yeah! Now that's how you do it!" Simon cheered as he jumped up from his spot on the bed his arms in the air. Dancing around as he celebrated his little victory, Rosh and Ayub laughing as they watched. It had been a while since he had let go and was just happy for a moment, and he was glad that the three of them were able to make up. He didn't know what he would be doing if he was on his own after everything that happened. He hated when his friends were mad at him, it made him feel so alone. Even though he knew that night he threw August to the ground was very out of character, he couldn't help the anger that surged through him. He was fed up with being used by the third-year and needed the money to be able to pay off his debts. He just couldn't sit back any longer.

Ayub playfully pushed him, shaking his head. "Okay, you just got lucky this round," he tutted, holding his hand out asking for the controller back. Simon laughed as he handed it over, about to sit down when he heard their mom calling for one of them to come to the door. "Oh did you guys order pizza? I can go grab it," he said as he was about to leave. "Ah, oh no, just sit, I'll grab it," Rosh jumped up, tossing her controller to Simon who fumbled to catch it. He furrowed his brow as he slowly sat back down, looking to his friend for an answer as to why he couldn't get it. "It's not pizza, it's this g-" Cut off by Rosh coming back into the room with someone new. Simon looked up to see who it was, not recognizing them at all. He felt awkward just staring up at someone as he tried to figure out who they were, so he just took a quick glance before looking down to his lap. The first thing he noticed was his green eyes, they were a shade he had never seen before. Even in the dark room they seemed to shine vibrantly. And from what he could see, he had rather long black hair tucked into the hat he was wearing. He was rather tall, towering over Rosh, he assumed they knew each other through football as he was wearing a professional team's jersey. "Simon, this is Jesper. Jesper, this is Simon," Rosh said gesturing between the two. Simon lifted his hand offering an awkward wave at the introduction, only to see Jesper extend his hand out to him. Simon pressed his lips together as he reached out shaking the others hand, "Hey," he mumbled out. Still confused as to why he was here but didn't know if he should ask. He figured Rosh would've given some sort of clue as to who this guy was, and why he was sudden apart of their night together. Though she seemed to skip over that part.

"Uh you can just sit on the floor, yeah? There's not a whole lot of space, sorry," Rosh said to Jesper as she took her spot back in the chair beside the bed. "Oh yeah, that's fine," Jesper mumbled with a small nod as he lowered himself to the floor. The air was clearly a bit tense as this new person was brought into their group with no explanation. Simon only exchanged glances with Ayub silently before Rosh reached over snagging the controller from him. "Well are we gonna play or what!?" She laughed as she started the next round. Ayub just perked up, focusing on the screen as he was thrown into the game without much warning. Jesper tapped his thumbs against his knees, he fidgeted around for a little trying find a more comfortable position to sit. Unfortunately, having his knees pressed to his chest seemed to be the best option. Despite seeming to be rather uncomfortable, he kept quiet and just watched the two play, but Simon noticed. He could see him constantly moving or tweaking how he sat just slightly, well truthfully, it was hard to not notice him constantly shifting around. Unsure if he should say something, or offer to swap spots with him he found himself staring down at him. Stuck in his head on what he should do he hardly noticed Jesper trying to speak to him.

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