Episode 11

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Occasionally bumping shoulders as they walked side by side, Felice and Wilhelm chatted away. "Oh! Speaking of movie night, did you tell Simon about it?" Felice asked excitedly, her fingers tapping against the book she held to her chest.

The prince couldn't help but laugh as she seemed more in the answer to this question that she did about the actual movie night. "Yeah, I brought it up to him," he hummed nodding his head.

She looked up at him, impatiently waiting for him to continue. "And? What did he say? Is he coming?!" Felice had mentioned that Wilhelm should be the one to tell Simon about movie night. That way he could not only spend more time with him, but also possibly use it as an opportunity to show him he's not afraid of people knowing how he feels.

Wille sighed, shrugging his shoulders, "He didn't say he was coming." And just like he could see the excited grin melt from Felice's face. "But I did tell him that he should come... because I want him there," he admitted proudly.

Felice lit up as playfully poked at the prince's side, letting out a squeal of delight. "No way, that's great!" She exclaimed. "Honestly, I didn't think you were going to commit to this whole 'prove it to him' thing yet."

Looking down at her with a hurt expression, mouth agape, Wille placed his hand over his heart. "I can't believe you don't think I'm serious!" Though he couldn't keep up his act for too long before he let out a hearty chuckle.

Felice rolled her eyes, "It's not that I didn't think you were serious," she began, "It was more like... I didn't think you'd have the guts to do it."

The prince knew what she meant, he was surprised he did it himself. But it was in the moment, and with it being just the two of them around his nerves weren't eating him alive. He was able to say it so easily. And it felt good. It felt good to let Simon know that he wanted him to be there.

Glancing down at her phone, Felice sighed. "Well I have to get to class, but I will get Sara to bug her brother to come to movie night!" She said as she started to quicken her pace, worried to be late for class. "He is coming! I will make it happen!" She declared, smiling over her shoulder at the prince before walking off.


"I feel like all we've done this week is take tests," Sara groaned as she stepped into her room, Karolina following close behind, shutting the door. Sara flopped down in her bed, pulling her phone out of her pocket seeing a few text messages from Felice.

Felice: Hey! You should get your brother to come for movie night
Felice: I know you two don't get to hang out much now, so it would be really fun!
Felice: At least just ask him about it

Sara knew what her friend was trying to do. She knew her reason for wanting Simon to come wasn't because they don't get to see each other anymore. It was because of Wilhelm. She was trying to help the prince win Simon back, because of everything that happened. The same reason she wouldn't stop trying to figure out who posted the video. All because she felt bad.

Though, Sara didn't think Wille deserved any kind of pity. He lost Simon because he couldn't stand up for himself and be truthful. He'd rather hide and keep secrets. He couldn't do anything for himself because he always had to worry about the Royal Family's reputation.

"Woah, Sara, are you okay? I can hear your heartbeat from over here," Karolina chimed in from her bed, peering over the top of her book.

Sara closed her eyes and letting out a deep sigh. She really needed to work on being able to keep her emotions in check, finding herself letting them take control more and more often.

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