Episode 3

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An inaudible whisper hit his ears as he slowly woke from his deep sleep, with each second the voice becoming more clear. It was a familiar voice, though he felt as if it had been a while since he heard it. The grip slumber held over him loosening each second, the voice finally becoming clear to him. "Wille... Wille..." he heard, now feeling the others breath against his ear. The sensation sending a chill down his spine as he reached up to cover his ear, rubbing away the feeling, which earned a quiet laugh from the person hovering over him. "What?" The prince finally mumbled out, not quite ready to give in to the idea of getting out of bed quite yet. Another small chuckle came from the other before Wilhelm felt them gently pushing his hair off of his face, which soon turned into them stroking his hair. This made Wilhelm to furrow his brow in confusion, he didn't know who he could've felt close enough to for them to be doing that. He sat up in a hurry, his body jumping to the other side of the bed where he felt his back hit a wall. His eyes widened when he saw the person in front of him, looking equally as shocked due to the sudden reaction. "Woah... Didn't mean to scare you," Simon said quietly, a small smile finally breaking on his lips. Though, Wilhelm's expression didn't budge. A mix of shock and confusion plastered on his face. "S-...Simon!?" He was finally able to croak out, his voice breaking a little louder than he had anticipated. To that Simon lunged forward, quickly covering the other's mouth as he let out quiet giggles. "Shhh. Be quiet or Malin might hear you!" This only created more confusion for the prince, and then he looked around. He was at school, at Hillerska, in his room. He jumped out of bed, rushing over to the window, peering outside. The morning fog sat low all around the school grounds, not a single person in sight. He turned around, seeing his jeans and Simon's purple hoodie thrown haphazardly onto the floor from only a few hours earlier. His fingers raked his hair back, letting out a breath he wasn't even aware he had been holding in for so long, as he looked back to Simon. He wanted to feel relieved but he wasn't quite sure if he should allow himself to do so.

It was now Simon's turn to look confused, Wilhelm's behavior beginning to worry him. He had never seen him acting so spastically. But before he could open his mouth to ask what was wrong, he felt himself being pulled in for a kiss. Starting off slow and gentle, their lips working in time with one another, the kiss grew more and more ardent. Wilhelm 's finger tips grazing over his cheeks, then his chest, down his sides to the small of his back. The softness of his skin convincing him that this was real. He couldn't believe it, Simon was right in front of him. Everything must have been a bad dream, a nightmare induced by whatever he had taken the night before. It was in that moment he swore he would never take drugs again, even if that wasn't entirely true.

Slowly pulling away, Simon held either side of the prince's face, "Are you okay? You're acting really weird," he said quietly, pushing the small bits of the others hair behind his ear. Wilhelm's eyes searched every inch of Simon's face, as if he were trying to find anything that could tell him this wasn't real. But his mind was overrun with excitement he couldn't focus on finding the truth for too long before he pulled Simon against his chest. He hugged him tight, closing his eyes to savor the moment. "It's nothing. Really. I just had a bad dream," he whispered, letting out a small sigh of relief, "It all just felt so real, I thought I had messed everything up. Well I didn't, August did-..." Wilhelm then felt Simon shift in his arms, allowing him to pull away so he could look at him once more. Except, when he opened his eyes he was face to face with the person that completely turned his life inside out. He stumbled back in utter disbelief, his feet getting tangled in the clothes under him, causing him to fall back. His mind too focused on the male in front of him to worry about the pain shooting through his body, not understanding what was going on any longer, "Wha-... N-no! Where is Simon!?" Wilhelm protested. August just staring down at him with a wicked grin, "What do you mean I messed everything up, Wilhelm?" He asked him leaning over his cousin. Wilhelm felt as if he was shrinking beneath the other's gaze, his eyes frantically looking around the room as darkness seemed to seep in from every corner. "You're the one who couldn't admit to being in the video," August continued, shaking his head. "You're the one who let Simon down. You said you two were in it together, but you're the one who lied. You abandoned him, left him to deal wi-..." Wilhelm jolted awake, his body shaking, covered in a layer of sweat as he frantically looked around. He was in his room, at the castle. He was at home. He pressed his hand against his chest, his heart pounding hard enough he could feel it in his ears. Beginning to rub his hand over his chest, in attempt to calm his nerves, he let his body fall back into the mattress. The dream felt so real, it truly felt as if he was holding Simon in that moment. The memory of his skin still on his finger tips. The electricity of their kiss still tingling his lips. The feeling of security he had felt slowly fleeting.

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