Episode 13

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"Ah fuck... ow..."

"O-...ow! Okay, Felice I get you're trying to be helpful, but fuck!" Wilhelm grunted, grabbing her wrist to keep her from rubbing the tissue along his nose. He was currently sat on the toilet, letting Felice attempt to clean the blood off his face.

After the prince swung at Jesper, a full blown brawl broke out in the hallway. The taller male hardly stumbled back before he launched himself at Wilhelm, tackling him to the floor. If smacking his head off the wooden floor and getting the wind knocked out of him wasn't enough, Wille only had a few seconds before Jesper's fist smashed into his nose.

He could hardly make it out, his vision gone blurry from the punch, but he thought he could see Simon trying to pull his friend off the prince. Only to be pushed away. This opening gave Wille enough time to get himself out from under him, not to run away, of course, but to take another swing at Jesper.

The two continued to go at it, Simon running down the hall towards the common room screaming for someone to come help. And within seconds the hall was flooded with students, some of the male students working to separate Jesper and the prince. Malin and the headmistress pushed their way through the crowd of teens, trying to figure out what was going on. Only to see the two being held back, screaming at each other.

And now, Wilhelm was sitting in the bathroom, Felice attempting to wash the blood off her friend face.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying not to press hard I swear," Felice winced as she held back her hand for a moment. "I think your nose might be broken," she commented, leaning in closing to inspect the lump that had formed at the bridge of his nose.

Wilhelm groaned as he quickly got to his feet, making Felice jump back. "Could this get any worse?" he groaned slamming his hand on the sink as he stared in the mirror at his appearance. A blood stained lip, a bruise along his jaw and now a supposedly broken nose.

"What even happened?" Felice asked sheepishly as she tossed he soiled wad of toilet paper into the trash.

The prince closed his eyes, dropped his head, staying quiet for a moment. He wasn't proud of what he did. He knew that trying to fight wasn't the right answer. But he couldn't stop himself. It was if his body just reacted. He didn't think about it, it just happened.

"When I went to check on Simon... to apologize. I saw him... I saw Jesper hovering over him, about to kiss Simon..." Wille explained, sounding as if it pained him to recount the memory. "At first, I just pushed him away. Just to get him off of Simon. But then he sat there and mocked me. Belittled me. He tried telling me I cared more about the fucking crown than Simon!" He shouted, his hand smacking down on the counter.

His finger grabbed the edge of the counter, taking in a deep breath, turning around to face Felice. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell like that... I'm just..."

"Pissed off?" Felice finished for him.

Wille lifted his head to look at her with a forced half smile. "Yeah, that's one way to put it," he mumbled.

The two sat in silence for a moment until they heard a knock at the door. Neither of them had answered before Malin had stepped inside. "He wanted to talk with you," she informed him, stepping to the side to reveal a visible anxious Simon.

"I'll give you two some privacy," Felice said, giving a small nod before she slipped past Simon and out of the bathroom. Malin following, closing the behind her.

A new kind of silence filled the air. Both of the boys staring back at one another, neither quite sure who was meant to speak first. Wilhelm could feel his nerves bubbling inside of him as he tried to predict what way this conversation would go. As if he were trying to prepare himself for the worst. That is until he remembered what Henry had told him earlier that night. That focusing on the worst possible outcome will only make things worse.

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