Episode 14

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It had been days, nearly a whole week since Wilhelm had announced that he had in fact been in the leaked video. Where admitted soon after that he did have feelings for Simon, in a room still half full of his peers. And yet, seemingly nothing has happened. He hadn't received a angry phone call from the Queen, he hadn't seen any stories about him in the media. Nothing.

It felt as if he was in some dream world. A place where nothing goes wrong and he was free to do as he pleased. Though, still having Malin follow him around everywhere broke that illusion. Other than that, however, everything seemed to be... okay.

Had no one said anything about him? Did they even really care? Since admitting his feelings he started being more open about his affection towards Simon at school. Often reaching out to hold his hand as they walked side by side, sometimes sneaking in a quick peck on the cheek before they parted ways for class. Even if he was more open about it, that didn't stop him from getting shy.

Wille wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he felt that he shouldn't take this time for granted. For once, he felt like a normal teen. Until now he had been walking around school watching his classmates in their relationships, openly and fearlessly, while he had to keep everything about how he felt under lock and key. He was just nervous about how long this would last.

As Wilhelm stepped out of his most recent class he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Each time he felt it, he held his breath, waiting for it to be his mom. Fortunately, this time it was just Henry.

Henry: All of us are thinking about eating in the courtyard for lunch, you down?

Wilhelm: Yeah sure! I'll ask Simon if he wants to too

Henry: As if I wouldn't think about your little boyfriend, he's kind of included in "all of us"

Wilhelm: Okay, well good. And he's not my boyfriend!

Henry: Yet

Wilhelm: Yet

A small toothy grin found its way on to the prince's face as he read the message. Yet. It was true, even after confessing his feelings in front of their classmates and practically acting like a couple all around school, he still hadn't asked Simon out. Not officially anyway. He knew he probably didn't have to, but it felt as if he should. It was the last step in his mind to making everything complete. Problem was, he didn't know how.

Wille had never had to ask someone out before. Did he just come out and ask? Was he supposed to make it special? It wasn't something he had to think about before, and now he was worried he wouldn't do it right. Maybe it was time for him to cave and ask his friends for help.

Tucking his phone away the prince started to make his way back to his dorm building to gran his lunch. As he exited, he took a minute to look around. Just really soaking in the moments of normal teen-hood. He wished it would last forever, but he knew that was wishful thinking. For once, as he walked across campus he didn't feel stares from his classmates, he didn't notice any whispering. Nothing.

Smiling to himself as he walked into Forest Ridge, he looked up to see Simon walk into the dining room at the end of the hall. He quickened his pace down the hall, and into the dining room. He did his best to stay out of view from the curly haired boy. He walked up behind him, sliding his hands over his eyes. Letting out a chuckle when the other's hands quickly shot up to hold his wrist, clearly spooked until he heard him speak.

"Guess who?" Wilhelm asked with a hum. Simon let out a small laugh, "Let me guess... Rihanna?" A few others around them let out little chuckles, shaking their heads, but otherwise just leaving the two of them alone.

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