Unbreakable Bond

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I fucking hate Quinn.
She was meant to be the one I could trust.
But she threw our friendship under the bus, all so that she could become head cheerleader.

I can see her right now, talking to Coach Sylvester, while I'm pushed to the ground by another Cheerio. Not being head cheerleader was bad enough, but now I'm at the bottom of the pyramid. She glances my way, but when I glare at her she looks back in front of her.

Later on, I sit in the locker room packing my bag. Brittany is sitting beside me, rubbing moisturiser into her long legs. God, I need to get laid. Preferably by her.

My hands are covered in sores, from being on the floor, plus my knees and elbows are skinned from the concrete. I start to apply band aids, when Brittany gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves. I think I'm alone. Until Quinn walks in.

She doesn't see me at first, until she turns around and catches my eye. She hesitates, but then walks over and sits beside me.

"Hey Santana."
"Are you seriously going to pretend that we're friends? You betrayed me."
"I didn't mean to.."
"Well what did you mean to do?"
"It's not- you don't understand."
"You're right. I don't understand why you dropped our friendship, all for a dumb social status."
"And I don't get why you ruined your looks, just so that people would notice you. You get enough attention being the schools biggest slut."

I've had enough. I reach out and slap her. It echos through the room. Her eyes narrow, and she looks like she's about to slap me back. But then she just bursts into tears. Ugly tears. Her hands fly up to her face and her shoulders shake with each sob.

Shit. I swear I didn't even hit her that hard. I should walk out now, and leave her in this little pool of misery.

But I can't.
Despite how much we hate each other, there's still that invisible string that holds us together.

I rest my hand on her shoulder, and move closer.
"Quinn? Are you okay?" I ask, making sure to soften my voice. She pulls her hands away from her face.
"Do I look like I'm fucking okay?" She snaps.
"Jesus Christ, I'm trying my best."
"I know, I'm sorry, it's all me. It's always me." Her voice cracks, as does her tough demeanour. I see the old Quinn, the scared little girl who worked her ass off just to get attention from her parents.

"Did something happen over the summer?" I ask, gently pushing her. She wipes her eyes and nods.
"Do you want to tell me?"
"I just felt so alone. I have no friends. They all hate me. So do you, and Brittany. Mercedes won't even look at me, and Finn is disgusted by me. And I see why. I'm a cheater, and a slut, and a dumb bitch who won't ever be loved."

Woah. This is a lot worse than a bad day.

"Q, what happened to you?"
"Mom and dad split up. And she went on her 2 week cruise, as always. One night he showed up at the house. I locked all the doors, but he didn't leave. Then he started shouting at me, calling me awful, awful names. And the worst part was, they were all true. I was so scared. He was insane, and I think he was drunk. What if he had gotten in? And I phoned mom, but she didn't pick up. And then I phoned you, but you didn't pick up either."
I remember seeing her name show up on missed calls. I ignored it, thinking that it was an accident, and went back to making out with Brittany.

"And then Frannie came back, and she's so perfect. I looked like even more of a mess next to her. So I wanted to impress mom again. Make her love me. That's why I wanted head cheerleader. It's the one thing that Frannie never had. But it doesn't help. Mom just shrugged when I told her, and now I've lost you, and I'm so fucking pathetic."
"Quinn, look at me."

I encircle her wrists, and pull her hands from her eyes. She meets my gaze.

"You are not pathetic. You are smart, and beautiful, and kind of insane, but in a good way. What happened last year, it was because Puck is dodgy as hell. And you're not alone. I'm here. I know I wasn't there for you, and I regret that, but I'm here now. We're going to get through this. Anytime you want, come stay at mine. Mami loves you. And Brittany is your friend as well."
I hug her then. She relaxes against me, her chin resting on my shoulder. I rub her back, and we fit together like we always have.

Later on, once Quinn has cried out everything, I finish packing my bag and we leave the locker rooms. We start to walk along the main road, before it splits two ways. We live in opposite directions, so this is goodbye.

I wrap my arms around her again, and kiss her cheek. She sighs into my shoulder, and squeezes me tighter.

"I'm sorry Santana."
"It's okay."
"No, it's not. I'm going to speak to Sue tomorrow about getting you off the bottom."
"Duh. You're my best friend."

It sounds like more of a question, and when I pull back her green eyes are questioning me. I nod.

"Best friends."

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