The Spark

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Quinn watches as Santana falls apart.

It happens slowly, but it definitely happens. She is quieter, her insults less creative. She hides behind the cheer uniform like it's armour, when she used to wear it with confidence.

How times change.

But the breaking point is the slap. And for once, it's not between them.

Santana slaps Finn. Because Finn outed Santana.

Quinn would have done the same. But, unlike Santana, she is much better at hiding her sexuality. Nobody has a clue.

Anyway, Santana runs out crying. And nobody sees her for the rest of the day. Brittany wanders around in a haze (not much different from usual) and seems lost without Santana. Mercedes and Tina gossip, their Glee club rivalry forgotten in light of this new argument. Artie and Puck talk about whether Brittany and Santana were fooling around while they were dating them (obviously). Mike is, Quinn doesn't know, being Mike. Sugar hovers around, as she does.

And Quinn watches everyone. Not in a creepy way. But nobody really cares about her to talk to her. Sp she just watches as they talk, and laugh, and act as if Santana is just a character on tv, instead of a person.

A week later, it's almost back to normal. The Glee club has split in two again. Quinn is still alone. Santana and Brittany are closer than ever.

You might think that Quinn has feelings for Santana. But she doesn't. They're too similar. She's her friend. Sometimes her best friend. And Quinn cares about her a lot more than she cares about anyone else, or herself for that matter.

Quinn thought that Santana was back on top. Until she was hiding behind her locker, counting down the seconds until she could make a quick route to class.

Quinn isn't sure where she stands, socially. She's not a Cheerio, she's in Glee club, but people are still sort of scared of her.
As she said, she's lonely.

She closes her locker just in time to see Santana being pushed, hard, into the row of lockers. Her books go flying, and the group of jocks laugh before continuing their walk of terror. The bell rings, and the hall empties. Santana kneels on the floor and picks up her books. Quinn is about to turn around and walk away when she hears a muffled sob.

Santana Lopez, self-proclaimed ice queen, is crying. In the middle of school. She's bowed over her pile of books and notes, and has one hand wrapped around her middle, the other in front of her mouth. Another sob wracks her body, and Quinn makes her decision.

"Tana?" She says quietly. Santana's head snaps up, and she wipes away the tears, leaving behind trails of mascara. Quinn's raised eyebrow tells her that it was pointless. She knows.

"The fuck do you want Q? Come to laugh at me? Bitch at me? Go for it." Santana spits bitterly. She's fucking tired of all this. Stupid Finn Hudson. He can just fuck off with all the rest of them.

Quinn kneels down beside Santana and picks up another one of her books.
"If that's what you think of me, then I'm sorry." She says quietly, not meeting Santana's eyes. She hands her the books, and waits. A few seconds pass, Santana sniffs, and then a begrudging "thanks" can be heard from her.

Quinn half-heartedly smiles to herself. As much as Santana likes to play the tough girl from a rough area, she has impeccable manners.

"I would ask if you're okay, but you're clearly not." Quinn says, standing up. She offers Santana her hand, and when she takes it, she pulls her off the ground. They stay in that position, hands joined, close together, until Santana wraps her arms around Quinn, her books sliding to the floor again.

"Q..I can't do this. It's too hard." Santana whispers into Quinn's hair. Quinn's heart leaps a little at the old nickname, but she aches for Santana. Not for her, in a romantic way. But for all of this. All this shit, the looks and the laughs and the pushes.

Santana didn't realise how much she missed Quinn Fabray, until her arms were wrapped tightly around her and she was crying into her hair. Which still smells like vanilla and the flowery perfume she douses herself in. Signature Quinn Fabray.

Quinn didn't really how much she had missed Santana Lopez until she was holding her in the hallway, trying to hold the broken girl together.

"I miss you" Quinn whispers. Santana looks up at Quinn, hazel eyes meeting brown. She smiles sadly, and steps back. The moment is lost.

"I miss you too." Santana replies, eyes on the ground. She was never one for love, except for when it came to Brittany.
But maybe Quinn is worthy of a little love as well.

Looking at Quinn, Santana realises how they haven't talked in a while. She's missed out on the details of Quinn's life, the ones that used to be so important to her. She wants to know about Quinn, and her mother and her sister and if she still likes to draw and if their names are still carved into her bedpost and if Beth has blonde hair and green eyes like her mom and why don't her and Santana speak.

Quinn shifts slightly under Santana's unwavering gaze. She can see the questions piling up behind her eyes, just waiting to be spilled. But Quinn isn't ready for that yet. She's been alone for so long, she isn't going to let it all come crashing down because of a crying girl who happened to have once been her friend. Her best friend.

"We can try this. I think that...we're good for each other. Maybe we could talk sometimes, or study together, or you could come over to mine." Santana is speaking, her words blurring together the way she does when she's nervous. Her fingers tangle around the hem of her skirt, waiting for an answer.

Quinn nods once, and smiles. It's a small smile, but it's real.
"I would like that. We don't have long left together. Let's make it work." She replies, holding Santana's gaze. An understanding passes between them. A friendship, the flame long gone, begins to reignite.

Santana picks up her books from the floor, and tucks away loose papers. Quinn smooths down her skirt, preparing to say goodbye. Santana leans in, kisses her on the cheek, and then turns away and walks down the corridor. Her hair swings side to side, in time with her skirt. All traces of the scared girl from earlier are gone.

"Laters Fabray" she half yells.

Quinn smiles again, this time to herself. She has a friend. Albeit a bitchy, sad one, but a fucking good friend at that.

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