Waiting For Her

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I wait for her at the bridge.

There's one park in Lima. Most of it is just pretty flowers, and bushes for teenagers to get drunk in. A river runs through it, though it's more of a stream. And if you follow the path for long enough in the right direction, then you come to a bridge. It's small, only a few metres wide, but made from beautiful arching stonework. It looks over the river, and in the distance you can see the bright lights of Lima.

This is where she first kissed me. It wasn't, contrary to popular belief, at a party where we were drunk. She brought me here, told me to close my eyes, and kissed me. We were both 15, and we were both in love. A little confused about love, but we knew enough to know that our friendship was more.

Then our relationship progressed to what you might call a 'casual relationship'. Making out at parties when we were both drunk, hooking up behind closed doors- just as friends.

It wasn't toxic. I mean, it wasn't the most amazing relationship either, but it could have been worse. And she genuinely cared about me. I could talk to her about anything, and she would listen. When everyone else stopped caring, she cared.

And on Thanksgiving, we texted each other to meet here. We both have loud, full-on families that take a lot to handle. So we ran away to the park, the middle ground between our houses. She brought hot chocolate, I brought cookies. We had a picnic, huddled up beside each other, and talked until our parents noticed we had gone missing.

It became a tradition. Every thanksgiving we would meet at the bridge. One year Quinn joined us, after her parents divorced and her mom spent most of her time drunk. But apart from that, it's just been us.

This Thanksgiving is a little different. After only one of us actually graduated and got out of Lima, we haven't seen each other in so long. But we met again today at McKinley. And things were different. But, there were other things that haven't changed.

Like the never ending rivalry with Quinn, and the way our bodies fitted together perfectly together when we hugged, and how the choir room still has those plastic red chairs that give us back problems.

But are we the same?

We've missed each other, there's no doubt about it. I've missed everything about her. Her hair, her clothes, the way she laughs, how she always smells like vanilla. She's just amazing.

I shift around in the cold, and rub my hands together. I lift out my phone, check it for messages. There's one from Quinn which I ignore, but that's it. She hasn't texted me, but hopefully she doesn't have to. I hope that she'll remember our tradition, and meet me here. It's 5 minutes until our original meeting time. Will she remember? Or is it just a thing of the past.

I remember our last goodbye. The last time I saw her. It was outside my house, and we had one last kiss, then one last hug. She held me tight, whispering 'goodbye' over and over, into my hair. I couldn't bring myself to say it back. It couldn't be the end. It was just beginning. We had only started being open about our relationship a few months ago, and then we were being torn apart.

But we had to say goodbye. So I've spent days, weeks, months, dreaming of finally seeing her again. And I did, but not properly. It was too busy and loud and crowded for a proper 'hi'.

And there's Sam as well, to work into the equation, but he's irrelevant.

And of course there was the break-up.

How could I forget it. That's the reason I cried myself to sleep, and stopped talking to my friends, and just felt sad all the time. The thing that hurts most is that it was the right decision. We were falling apart, and it caused the least damage.

We both had broken hearts, but what's new about that? A broken heart is something that can be hidden, and pushed from memory, until it stops hurting as much. Then you meet someone new and it heals a little.

Mine is still broken though.

I check my phone again. 1 minute. I turn to look across Lima. Even though it's a pretty rubbish place, it can even look beautiful from here. Full of lights and life and happiness. I should be there right now, at the post-dinner party. But I had to come here, and see what remained of our love and friendship.

I check my phone for the last time. It reads 9pm. I look both ways, and see nobody.

She didn't come. For some reason, it hurts.

I decide to stay for one last look out at Lima. I look up at the sky, and the stars flashing. I find the group that look like an 'S' and a 'B' intertwined. That was our constellation. Quinn told us the proper name, but we ignored her.

I blink away tears. God, this is like the break-up all over again. I got my hopes up, and they were shattered. Just like the remains of my heart.


Santana appears at the end of the bridge. Her cheeks are flushed, her jacket undone, and she's breathing heavily. I hastily wipe away my tears, and she runs up and hugs me.
You came?"
"Of course I did."

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