the choir girl

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I think that Quinn Fabray
Is an angel
Sent from Heaven
Or someplace like that
Because she's perfect
And I worship her
The same way
I should worship
God and Jesus
When at church
She sits in the front row
And smiles at me
When I sing
Even though she
Hates me
In real life
Or pretends to,
I'm not sure anymore
But in church
She becomes my friend again
And I sing for her
Words about love
And forgiveness
And hope
And peace
All for her
Maybe we could be
Friends again
I would like that
For now, though
I'm happy to stand here
In front of the church
And sing to a girl
Who I'm not allowed
To be in love with
Because it's a sin
But how can love be a sin
When it's in
The bible
I would ask someone
But they would be angry
And I don't
Want that
One day
She finds me
After the sermon
And takes my hand
"You're a beautiful singer, Santana"
She whispers
Giving me that angelic smile
I smile back
And then she's gone
Blonde hair gleaming
Her green eyes
Catching the light
I love her
It's forbidden
So I'll continue
To admire her
From the front row
Of the
Church choir

short extract from the diary of Santana Lopez.

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