I lost her

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Quinn didn't like Brittany when she first met her. It felt like this blonde, blue-eyed stranger had stolen her best friend. It was always Santana and Quinn. Quinn and Santana. They were going to be best friends forever. Everyone knew that, and nobody even tried to come between them.

But Brittany was new. She didn't know their history. And when she walked up to them on the first day of school, with an impossibly white smile, and asked where her class was, Quinn felt Santana begin to slip away. She stayed beside Quinn, but she wasn't listening to her anymore. Instead she was watching Brittany walk down the hall.

Quinn tried to hold on. She didn't want to lose Santana. But it felt like she was always spending time with Brittany, or just cancelling on her. Quinn didn't know what hurt more, Santana having a new best friend, or just not wanting to be with Quinn at all. And over time, Quinn got jealous.

Then she'd had enough. Her and Santana got into their biggest fight ever. They had argued before, but this was different. It happened on a Friday afternoon, in the hall at school, just before Spanish. Quinn was asking why Santana had cancelled their plans for the fourth time, and Santana was filing her nails and ignoring her.

So Quinn pushed Santana.
And Santana shoved Quinn back.
Someone called the other a bitch.
Soon they were fully fighting on the floor. Santana pulled Quinn's high ponytail, while Quinn slapped her on the cheek. Santana screamed something in Spanish and started to punch Quinn. Quinn grabbed Santana's fists and kicked her in the stomach.

They were dragged off each other by teachers. Santana and Brittany disappeared off to a bathroom together, and Quinn was left standing alone in the hall. She could feel people's eyes on her, so she turned around and stormed out of the school. She got to a bench and just started crying. She had lost her best friend.

When her tears had stopped falling, and she felt numb, she got up and started to walk home. But then someone called her name from behind. She turned to see Puck. Her boyfriend's best friend.

"Hey Q?"
"Yeah?" She stopped and faced him.
"I just wanted to check if you were okay? Santana really laid into you."
"I'm fine. She's a bitch."
"It was pretty hot as well. Listen, I think I know how to take your mind off it."
"What do you say about coming to mine, maybe opening some wine coolers? Maybe take things further?"
"I'm dating Finn."
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

Quinn should have shook her head and walked away. She should have called Santana and apologised. She should have told Puck where to stick it.
But she didn't.

She found herself nodding her head, and following him to his truck. She was numb, and wanted a distraction. This was wrong. She had a boyfriend. But he was at a rehearsal for some dumb club, and Puck seemed like he was interested in her.

It happened so fast. They were home alone, and she maybe drank too much. And when she realised that this was a bad idea, and told him, he shrugged and said 'it's fine. Santana and Brittany took the oath as well, and I did them.' Thats when she let go. Santana hadn't even told her.

It's a blur in her head now. She woke up before sunrise the next morning, still at his, with her cheer uniform discarded on the other side of the room. A feeling of dread filled her stomach. What had she done? She had just lost her fucking virginity to a guy that she wasn't even dating.

She got dressed quickly, and left Puck a note.

Nobody can know. Q

She walked home and climbed in her window, then changed into her pyjamas and got into bed. But Quinn couldn't sleep. Theoretically, nobody knew. And if they both kept quiet, nobody would know. But that didn't stop the panic rising in her. It was all too easy.

A few weeks later, she was kneeling over the toilet throwing up. It was first period, and she had felt awful. This was the third day in a row.

The door opens, and Brittany walks in, humming a song. When she sees Quinn knelt on the floor, she nudges the door open.

"Quinn? Are you okay?"

Quinn turns around to face Brittany. This is the first time they've ever spoken. Santana has been avoiding Quinn, and Brittany is always with her.

"Uhm, yeah, just not feeling well. I'm fine though, about to her back to class."

Quinn is about to stand up when another wave of nausea comes over her, and she throws up again. Brittany is at her side in seconds, rubbing her back gently.

"Quinn? Sit up, I'll get you some water."

Quinn just nods and watches as Brittany walks out the bathroom, hair swinging from side to side. She reappears a few minutes later with a plastic water bottle.

"Here. Drink some, but take it slow."
"You don't have to do all this."
"Why not?"
"Santana won't like you talking to me."
"Santana isn't the boss of me. And you need help."
"I'm fine."
"Do you want to go home?"
"I'll be fine. This is the third day this week, I just need to drink some water and I'll do okay."
"Third day throwing up?"
"Are you pregnant?"
"What? No."
"Are you sure?"

Quinn goes to shake her head, but stops. Is she pregnant? She doesn't remember Puck saying anything about protection. In the haze from that night, she vaguely remembers him telling her to 'trust him'.


"Hey, hey, don't cry. It's going to be okay."

Quinn doesn't even realise that the tears are falling down her cheeks until Brittany has her enveloped in her arms. She doesn't like Brittany, doesn't even know Brittany, but here she is. Crying into her chest like a child. This is embarrassing.

"Do you know who the father is? Wait, isn't it Finn?"

Quinn hesitates, and Brittany's eyes widen slightly when she realises.

"Oh, Quinn. I-it's not your fault. Bad things happen. But you might not even be pregnant. Have you bought a test?"
"I-I can't."
"No worries. We have loads at my house. Come over after school, and you can do it there."
"Why do you have loads at your house?"
"My mom is an artist or something, and she's making a model called 'motherhood'. It's being built out of pregnancy tests. She won't notice one missing."
"Oh. Thanks."
"It's fine. Are you okay? Do you feel sick?"
"It's passed. I'm going back to class now. Please don't tell anyone. Especially not-"
"Santana? Yeah, don't worry, I won't. But she misses you a lot."
"Yeah. Always talking about you. But she's scared to say sorry for some reason."
"She's worried I throw it back in her face. I don't blame her, it's the kind of thing I do."
"That's a shame. It would be cool if we could all hang out together. I really like you Quinn."
"I really like you as well Brittany."

And Quinn isn't lying. She does like Brittany. She's kind, and sweet, and innocent. Everything Quinn isn't. Santana isn't either, maybe that's why she's attracted to her. There's a lightness about Brittany. You could talk to her all day. And Quinn gives her an extra tight hug before they both leave the bathroom, and walk in different directions.

Later on, at Brittany's house, Brittany will hug Quinn again. This time, it's because of a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test that tells Quinn that she is, most definitely, pregnant.

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