Infinity Playlist

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Santana and Brittany like to share music.
At sleepovers, when they can't talk
On the way to cheer competitions, when they're both secretly terrified.
In Glee club, when they can't face another Rachel/Finn duet about nothing.

Brittany chooses happy songs.
Santana chooses sad songs.
They both choose love songs.

Nose to nose on Brittany's bed, using each other's phones and listening to their playlists. For when words aren't enough, or too much.

Soft piano accompaniments, 80's singers, whispered choruses, upbeat tunes. They learn what each other like to listen to, and make each other playlists. It becomes a tradition, something that's purely them.

After a while, they join their playlists together. Brittany says it will make them last forever.
Santana calls it their Infinity Playlist.

Brittany learns Santana's favourite song on the piano, for her birthday. Kurt helps, along with a lot of YouTube tutorials. Brittany spends endless lunches in the choir room, playing and playing until the notes transform into something beautiful. It's not perfect, she's never played piano before. But it's something. And Santana loves it.

Santana knows all Brittany's favourite songs by heart. They sum up Brittany, she thinks. Songs to dance to, about happy things, about love and girls and boys and being young and just living.

Quinn doesn't understand it. But when has she ever?

Bad days, good days.
Days where they're in love, days where they're scared of how much they love.
Especially bad days, like when Santana finds out her Abuelo has cancer.
Or especially good days, like when Brittany passes her maths class for the first time.

It gets them through days where emotions are all over the place. Like when Brittany takes Santana in her arms for the first time, and kisses her.

When Santana tells Brittany that she loves her for the first time, it's playing softly in the background.

Brittany continues to learn Santana's favourite songs on the piano. It becomes a tradition.
Santana sings Brittany's songs to herself, before she wants people to know she can sing.

When Brittany breaks her wrist, Santana writes the lyrics to her favourite song on the cast.
Brittany gives Santana a cd cover of their playlist, as a Valentine's Day gift.

Santana chooses a song that isn't on their playlist, when she breaks up with Brittany. She doesn't want to tarnish it.
Brittany knows that Santana was careful in choosing a song. It makes her love her even more, which is the last thing she should be doing.

Brittany listens to the same songs every night, as she gets over her heartbreak.
Santana can't listen to the songs. Because that would mean thinking of Brittany, and she can't do that.

Santana hears Brittany's favourite song in the diner one day, playing over the tinny speakers. She hadn't thought about it, about Brittany for a long time. As the song finished, she got a text from Rachel. There was going to be a reunion.
It seemed like fate. Santana bought a flight to Lima.

Brittany was there. Of course she was. She was sad, a shell of who she once was.
Santana brings the music back into her life.

They spend that night at a McDonalds, with Mercedes and Rachel. There's no awkwardness, only friendship and laughter and sheer joy.

They perform one of the few songs they both share the same love for. And Santana knows that she loves Brittany. She always did.

And from Brittany's face, she knows it too.
They starts dating again, as of that night.

Santana composes the perfect mashup for asking Brittany to marry her. Two of the first songs on their infinity playlist, which they know backwards.
It describes her and Brittany perfectly.
Of course, Brittany says yes.

At their wedding, Quinn gives them the best gift of all. She had made a CD, for Brittany's ancient car, which had their infinity playlist on it. Santana cries, and hugs Quinn tight. Brittany follows, her arms around her best friend and her wife. She knew Quinn didn't completely understand it, how special it was, but she tried to.

That night, they drive around the streets of Lima, the roof down and their music blasting. And they both know, as long as they have this, they'll be together.

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