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Santana's POV
I never liked that smug dickhead that was Jesse St. James.

What kind of name even is that anyway?

To be honest, I didn't like Rachel that much either. But what he did to her, that was just cruel.

He broke her heart, which has got to hurt. I wouldn't know, I don't have a heart. But he played her like Brad plays that piano. And if she's upset, then the Glee Club is left in the hands of Mr Schue. And the man is trying his best, but he's just not good at talking to us. He thinks him and Finn are 'bro's for Christ's sake. And if he starts rapping again, then I swear to god...

I'm getting off track.

Anyway, I really didn't like Jesse St James. But I've never had a good reason to take revenge. He hasn't openly done anything bad, except exist.

And then he egged Rachel.

I saw all the Range Rovers parked in the school lot when I was walking back from Cheerios practice, which caught my attention. Because, hello, the teachers here aren't exactly rolling in it. Hell, nobody here is, this is Lima. So I looked over, and saw them all hiding in between the cars.

Brittany nudged me, and whispered "are you coming to mine? Want to watch Sweet Valley High and get our cuddle on?"

And I was about to say yes, when I saw Rachel appear at the end of the parking lot. There's just something off about this, and I'm going to stick around and see what goes down.

"You go ahead. I'll be there soon." I kiss her cheek and she leaves. I double back and crouch behind the nearest car. I have a clear view of Rachel. She runs up to Jesse, who's standing with his arms folded and a smirk on his face. I move closer to try and hear what's happening, when I hear someone come in beside me.

"What's happening Tana?" Brittany whispers in my ear. I shrug and take her hand "I'm not sure, but this whole thing seems dodgy."
"I'll wait with you." She says, and leans her head on my shoulder. I ignore the butterflies I feel in my stomach, and strain to find out what's happening. Then everything happens at once.

The rest of Vocal Adrenaline appear, and start to throw eggs at Rachel. Like, theres hundreds, and they didn't stop. And she just stood there, staring at Jesse. Then he cracked an egg right on her forehead, and that broke her. Her shoulders shook slightly, but she didn't break down. As Vocal Adrenaline got into their fancy Range Rovers, and drove away, Rachel stood in the middle of the parking lot, egg dripping down her face.

And before I even knew what I was doing, I was striding over to her. She spun on her heel when she heard my footsteps, and hastily wiped away the tears that had been pooling at the corners of her eyes. I stood in front of her, my arms sort of folded. She looks at me warily.

"Come to throw something else at me?"
"What? No, I've come to clean you up."
"Yes. Come on, the egg's going to dry in and be way harder to get out your hair."

I roll my eyes and motion for her to follow me. When Brittany sees what we're doing, she rushes across and takes Rachel's hand. We go into the school, and into the private Cheerios bathroom.

"Am I even allowed in here? I'm not a Cheerio."
"You're with me and Brittany. That's enough. Besides, they have actual hairdressing sinks here, that will be perfect for washing it out your hair."

Rachel takes a seat and leans back into one of the sinks. I look through my locker, until I find my shampoo. Brittany gets a comb and we start to clean it out her hair. As we rinse out the second shampoo, I hear a sniffling sound, and I realise that Rachel's crying. Worse than that, Brittany has left to get some clean clothes for Rachel.

Shit. I have to deal with this by myself. I turn off the tap and kneel next to her.

"Uhm, Rachel? Did I get shampoo in your eye?" I ask. Obviously I didn't, but I'm not good at coping with people crying.
"N-no, it's j-just Jesse said that he loved me."
"Don't be stupid. The only person he loves is himself. Finn loves you, it's obvious."
"We're not playing that game. You know he really likes you. We all have to sit through him painfully confessing his love to you almost every day."
"Just put us all out our misery and say you love him back. Because you do."
"You're right."
"I know."
"Why are you so mean? Is it because you're confused about a relationship as well? Is it Puck and Matt?"
"Rachel, you're the last person I'd take relationship advice from. And anyway, I'm dating Matt. Quinn can have Puck."

I don't tell her the truth. That the only person I love is Brittany, but she doesn't know how I feel. That we've been having sex for months, but I'm too scared to ask her how she feels. Because then I could lose her.

"How are you so good at getting this stuff out my hair? You're not exactly the kind of person to get egged or slushied."
"Who do you think was helping Quinn wash her hair?"
"You know, you're not a bad person. You pretend to be mean, but I think that you've actually got a huge heart. It takes a while for it to show, but you're secretly a really sweet girl."
"I'm literally about to throw up into the sink. Anyway, that's you done."

I squeeze the water out the ends of her hair as Brittany appears with clean clothes. Rachel disappears into an empty bathroom stall and gets changed while we tidy up everything else. She comes back out a few minutes later, wearing the clean stuff, and her egged clothes in a bundle.

As we wait out front of the school, Rachel's dad pulls up in his car.
"Hey Rachey, hop in. Do you two want a lift?"
"No thank you Mr Berry." I say, trying not to laugh at Rachel's nickname. She blushes as she gets into the car. When they drive away, Brittany slips her hand into mine and we begin to walk home.

"I think I'm in love with you Santana" she says suddenly. I nod "I think I'm in love with you too Brittany. But let's not worry about that yet."
"Can we have sweet lady kisses when we get back to mine?"

She giggles, and I check that nobody is near us before going up on my tiptoes and pecking her on the lips. She blushes, and wraps her arms around me. Damn. I'm really in love with this girl.

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