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Meanwhile, in the Hansen household, things weren't going any better for Evalynn. Her mom had gotten home early and Evan had opted to stay in instead of going to Jared's that night, so they were both there when Connor dropped her off.

"Where have you been?" her mom asked.

Evalynn froze, staring at her mother and twin seated at the table.

"Um...n-nowhere," she stuttered.

"You have to have been somewhere. Why are you home so late?" her mom continued.

"W-well, I..."

"Were you with Connor again?" Evan spoke up.

"N-no. Why would you think that?"

"Who's Connor?"

"No one," Evalynn said.

"Her boyfriend," Evan replied at the same time.

"Boyfriend?" Heidi asked.

"He's no one. Don't worry about it."

"Does he know you think he's no one?"

"Shut up, Evan."


"No, it's okay, Mom. Nice to know Lynn's actually standing up for herself instead of letting her anxiety take over."


"No, he's right. I guess I've learned a thing or two from Connor when it comes to dealing with my fucking asshole brother!"

"Evalynn Marie Hansen! I will not tolerate that kind of language in this house!"

"I guess that's something else you've picked up from Connor, huh."

"Yeah, I suppose it is!"

Evalynn turned on her heel then and stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. She could hear her mom arguing with Evan well into the night until she finally drifted off to sleep thinking of her boyfriend.

Dear Evalynn HansenWhere stories live. Discover now