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Second semester was a bit of a blur for the the young couple. Connor ended up asking Evalynn to the prom where they had a blast hanging out with Jared, who had asked Alana, and Evan, who had asked Zoe. Jared had a field day teasing the double Murphy-Hansen pair up all night long. Before they knew it, graduation had come and gone and everyone had gone off to fulfill their post-high school dreams.

Just as predicted, Alana applied to and got accepted into a prestigious business school before eventually moving on to become the CEO and founder of a wildly successful private major business. Jared surprised everyone by going to college under a teaching major, going on to teach literature to high schoolers. Both Hansens went to community college before transferring to separate universities, Evan majoring in art history and Evalynn majoring in creative writing.

As for Connor, he spent the summer after graduating working before applying to same university Evalynn had gone to in order to study graphic design. During the summer of their junior year of college, Connor proposed and with a little help from everybody, Evalynn Hansen became Evalynn Murphy on December 22 of their Senior year of college. They had a short honeymoon, wanting to get back in order to finish their second semester.

By February, the young couple was expecting their first child. By then, Heidi had accepted Connor into the family and readily agreed to help with the baby once it was born. This was assured to the couple once more a few months later along with the promise of Cynthia's appearance when Evalynn found out she was having not one, but two children. When she had told Connor they would be having twins, he had fainted dead away.

Overall, life was grand for both Evalynn and Connor, and they couldn't have asked for it any other way.


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