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After several long hours in the car, their dad pulled into the driveway of a mansion. Evalynn couldn't think of another way to describe it.

"You guys are going to love it here. I just know it," their dad said for what felt like the billionth time.

Personally, Evalynn just wanted to be home spending Christmas with her boyfriend. But she plastered on a fake grin as she followed Evan and their dad inside. Their mom had stayed behind to work and continue her classes. The inside of the house was more extravagant than the outside had been.

"Honey! I'm back!" their dad called out.

The stepwitch appeared then, and Evalynn's jaw dropped. She was nothing short of a supermodel. Her hair, perfectly styled in a stylish up do, was chocolate brown and her eyes were the same shade. Her makeup was perfectly done, her lips painted cherry red to match the dress and heels she wore. Her long nails also sported the color and the Hansen twins could only stare as she greeted her husband with a big, wet kiss before turning to them.

"You two must be Richard's other kids. Welcome to our home."

"First. First kids," Evan said bitterly.

"Oh. Of course. I'm Marissa, by the way. What are your names?"

"I'm Evan. She's Evalynn," Evan continued his bitter tone.

"Evan and Evalynn. That should be simple enough. Want to meet your brothers?"

"Why not?"

Evalynn could tell Evan's tone bothered Marissa and their dad, but he obviously wasn't going to let up any time soon.

"Boys! Come meet your brother and sister!" Marissa called.

Two mini-mes of her came running out. The only thing that connected them to the twins was the fact that their hair was the same shade as Evan and Richard's as opposed to the chocolate brown of their mother. Evalynn's own hair was lighter than them, having gotten the golden blonde hair her mother sported.

"This is Samuel and Thomas. Boys, this is Evan and Evalynn," Marissa introduced them.

The boys muttered hello before running off to play again.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come on in," Marissa led them further into the mansion.

Evan glanced at Evalynn and rolled his eyes. She mouthed the words, "I know, right?" before they followed Marissa on a tour of the house. Evalynn kept glancing at her phone, praying Connor would hurry and save her from the stepwitch.

Dear Evalynn HansenWhere stories live. Discover now