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Connor couldn't believe his luck. Winter break had rolled around and he had been left home for the holidays. Elated, he texted Evalynn the good news only to receive some bad news in return.

E: My dad came by. He wants Evan and I to meet our siblings and stepwitch over break. We're halfway to Colorado now. I'm so sorry.

Connor felt a sinking pit in his stomach as he read the words. Her dad came by. Halfway to Colorado. How did this happen? He replied almost instantly.

C: Where in Colorado? I'm coming after you.

E: I don't think that's a good idea, Con. I don't want my dad angry at you.

C: I don't give a damn about your dad. What part of Colorado. I'm spending the holidays with my girlfriend.

It took a long time before she replied with the city and address they would be at in Colorado. Grabbing his keys and heading out the door, he started the long drive to Colorado. He knew it would all be worth it when he got there.

Dear Evalynn HansenWhere stories live. Discover now