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They became more careful after that, making sure not to get back too late so that they wouldn't get yelled at again. For Connor, yelling was inevitable in his household, he just made sure it wasn't for the same reason again. For Evalynn, it was easier what with her mom barely being home and Evan being at Jared's 90% of the time.

Several months went by and winter break was fast approaching. Evalynn's cast had finally come off much to both hers and Connor's delight. Their make out sessions became much more fun with the cast out of the way. It was a chilly November morning in the orchard when the topic of winter break was broached by Connor.

"So, I don't know what your family does, but mine always leaves over winter break."

"Oh. We, uh, we don't do much. Mom still works and has classes so it's just me and Evan home alone over winter break unless he's over at Jared's."

"Ah. Cool."

"Where does your family go?"

"We visit extended family from both sides. Christmas dinner usually ends up happening with my family on my mom's side."


Connor snorted at that.

"That's one way to put it."

"You don't want to go."

It was a statement but Connor replied anyway.

"Nope. But it's not like I have a choice..."

Evalynn chewed her lip, thinking.

"Well, what if you faked sick so they left you behind. Evan will probably spend Christmas at Jared's and with my mom working, I'll be home alone. We could have the house to ourselves."

"Both houses."

They laughed slightly before falling silent.

"Well, why not? I really want to see your place for once."

"Because there's no way in Hell that my parents are leaving me home alone for the holidays."

"Can't you try? For me?"

"Yeah, I can try," Connor said, climbing on top of Evalynn and initiating another make out session.

Dear Evalynn HansenWhere stories live. Discover now