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When they arrived outside the Hansen home, Heidi's car was parked in the driveway next to Evan's. Evan climbed out of Connor's car, but instead of heading in, he made a b-line for his car and drove off, probably headed to Jared's.

"Can we go to your place? I don't feel like facing my mom right now, either."

Connor looked at his girlfriend, who's eyes were fixed on the red car still parked in the driveway. It was the first time she had spoken since the beginning of the drive.

"Yeah. Sure. Okay."

A few minutes later, they pulled up to Connor's house and his heart plummeted into his stomach.

"What the fuck are they doing home early?"

"I don't know. Is it too late to go to the orchard?"

"I don't think-" Connor started, but just then Zoe came out and saw them.

Connor motioned for her to not say anything, but she had already called over her shoulder. A moment later, he groaned as both parents appeared on the porch.

"Fuck. Can you stay here a minute?"

Evalynn nodded, and Connor climbed out, shutting the door to block out the shouting match that ensued. She couldn't make out much of what was said, but she could hear the raised voices and saw when who yelled at who. Zoe, she noticed, had retreated into the house. After a long, and heated exchange, Connor came over and opened her door.

"Come on. They want to meet you," he said, his voice sounding taut.

The pair walked over to where Connor's parents still stood.

"Hello. I'm Cynthia, this is Larry. It's so nice to meet you," his mom greeted warmly.

"H-hi. I'm Evalynn. Evalynn Hansen," she replied.

Cynthia smiled at her, then looked at her husband. Larry remained stoic, not taking his stone stare off his son. She swallowed before turning back to her son and his girlfriend.

"Would you like to come inside?" she asked, stepping aside.

Evalynn bit her lip, looking to Connor who nodded before heading through the front door. His place was massive, not like Richard's place massive, but definitely lacking the cozier homey feeling of her own small abode. Connor had followed her inside, with his parents bringing up the rear. Cynthia spoke to her son then.

"Connor, why don't you give Evalynn a tour? I'll get dinner ready."

Connor nodded, dragging his girlfriend toward the stairs. At the top, he stopped outside a door.

"This is Zoe's room," he said, trying the handle.

It was locked, so he knocked.

"Zo? Do you want to say hi to Evalynn?"

"You aren't angry I told them you were back?" her voice sounded from the other side.

"No, I'm not. Do you wanna say hi?"

A second later, the lock clicked and the door swung open to show Zoe standing there.

"Hey," she said shyly.

"Hi," Evalynn smiled at her.

"Mom's making dinner," Connor told her.

She nodded, waving at Evalynn before closing the door again. She didn't lock it this time, and a moment later they heard a guitar being strummed as she hummed softly along to the music. Connor just rolled his eyes and made his way to the room beside it.

Dear Evalynn HansenWhere stories live. Discover now