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The next day, she got a text when they had all gathered around the table for lunch.

C: I'm in the driveway.

Excusing herself quickly, she hurried out front to see her boyfriend leaning against the hood of a dark navy car.

"Where's your car?"

"This is my car. My other one broke down on the way here and I had to get a new one."

Laughing at his explanation, Evalynn leaned in for a kiss, something Connor didn't protest.

"So. Are you going to invite me inside?"


"Yes, Evalynn. Are you going to invite your little friend inside?"

They both turned to see Richard standing there staring at them.

"Dad, I can explain."

"Good, you can explain to everyone inside."

Evalynn glanced at Connor, taking his hand and leading him into the house. Richard trailed behind them as they headed back to the table.

"Connor!" Evan greeted her boyfriend.

"Hey, Evan."

"Who's this?" Marissa asked, looking between her stepdaughter and the boy standing next to her.

"This is Connor Murphy. He's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Really?"

Evalynn nodded, hand still clutching Connor's for support.

"Why is he here? And how did he know our address?" Richard inquired.

Evalynn looked at Connor, who decided to answer the question.

"Well, Sir, I actually texted Evalynn a few days ago because we were planning on spending the holidays together, when she told me she was halfway to Colorado. When I asked for specifics, she gave me an address and I hopped in my car and drove all the way here."

"That's all very touching, but you aren't wanted here. Evalynn is spending the holiday here with her family and the invitation was not extended to friends. I'm sorry if you were under another impression."

A hush fell over the room at Richard's words, with the exception of Samuel and Thomas who were fighting over something or other, and Evalynn let go of Connor's hand. Before anyone else could react, she was yelling at her father.

"I don't know who you think you are, but Connor is the only one here besides Evan that I actually care about, and if you think either Evan or I want to spend our entire break with you and your perfect life you have here, then you are sorely mistaken! Neither of us asked you to suddenly show up and bring us here, Richard, so back. The fuck. Off!"

Marissa was staring at Evalynn with her mouth gaping, both Samuel and Thomas had ceased whatever argument they had managed to get into, and Evan was looking at his twin like he was trying not to laugh. As for Richard and Connor, the latter was looking at his girlfriend with something akin to pride while the former fixed his only daughter with a fiery gaze that was echoed back at him in Evalynn's own eyes. None of them had expected the outburst.

There was a long, tense pause as everyone stared, then Richard spoke two words.

"Get. Out."

"Gladly," came the bitter reply.

Connor felt his hand grabbed, and next thing he knew, he was being dragged out to his car behind Evalynn. A glance over his shoulder told him Evan was following silently.

"Let's go home," Evalynn said.

"Are you sure?"

"Did something I said in there give you another fucking impression? Let's go home. Now."

"Lynn-" Evan started.

"Do you want to come, too?" she shot at him.

He looked briefly over his shoulder before nodding his head. All three climbed into Connor's car and began the long and very tense drive home.

Dear Evalynn HansenWhere stories live. Discover now