Chapter 1 - An Undefined Student.

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Title is self explanatory, since, as some of my fellow members had mentioned. we lack some of the realistic Reader x CoTE, not to say it doesn't exist but it is rare to say the least. No need to try my best in keeping things fair as I know myself full well, special mentions to: Stendell the cat, Grass That I love touching, Zasshu the weird dude, Frunze the legendary Trex, and Hajime is Hajime, UAM19 the weird dude but a good dude, Count Zooku he's chill, Saturn is Satuwn, Anubis Anish another chill bro, OmegaYGG chill too and both my Roomies Ragnar and Sureita, Namit my huge bro too. Hope my roomie in japan is fine. Special mentions to CC, Rhymar, Saturn, Sarancho, Chloe and Truck, Horny Dude

The translations of the name is all from google, so please do point out any mistakes it holds.


"The life we receive is not short, but we make it so, nor do we have any lack of it, but are wasteful of it." ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Lots of people complain about the lack of excitement, lack of new things, perhaps the lack of new feelings.

Despite complaining they still do nothing about the situation, merely repeating the same process of complaint - regret.

A deep regret they hold for not doing anything.

This is sadly, what the large percentage of people included in society does. They're locked in the cage of simply existing, doing the same thing each and every single day, over and over and over again.

Most people's wishes or should I say desires, go unanswered. While it may be similar to the religious teachings, we can't deny the huge difference of the two. For one, in this age where science and technology has already advanced far... Religion is slowly but surely losing its believers. One tends to wait and pray for the miracle of the "Gods" where the other simply just waits for it. Not doing any kind of effort into actually trying to obtain their said desires. Which is worse? It's a hard question to answer.

The people aforementioned should live the life they need and not the one they want. When they try too hard in what they wanted, they'll get stuck with nothing at all. Like a robot repeating the same actions it's meant to on a daily basis, people are, unfortunately comparable to them.

That's why, with the advice of my Stoic friend, I swore to myself that I would aim to live and not just exist. This is also the reason I enrolled in the same school as him.


Interviewer's words:

"Taking his words, There was no craft that he had mastered. He will move from one thing to another once he loses interest in it, He never held any strong attachments to any sports nor things he was exposed to. He's a jack of all trades basically.

He displayed physical abilities that were easily on the top. Moreover, His chess skills largely reflect both his intelligence and decision making.

(To those who doubt it, I forgot to add : 💀)

(To those who doubt it, I forgot to add : 💀)

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Undefined (CoTE x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now