Chapter 10.2 - Midterms.

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"Appear weaker when you are strong. And strong, when you are weak."

Sun Tzu


Day 1: Midterms.

Roughly a week after.

The upcoming tests that we had to take few days later had completely gone over my head.

It's completely accidental that I managed to help Kamuro just in the nick of time. It was entirely possible for her to fail had I not intervened. Now was said time for us to partake in the tests.

I noticed the odd atmosphere surrounding the entire school after I finished preparing and was walking towards my classroom. At first, I merely raised an eyebrow. However, soon after I arrived, each and every one of my classmates were wearing serious expressions.

Fortunately, the moment I laid hands on the answer sheets with the deal me and Hoshinomiya-sensei had, I studied it thoroughly, repeatedly. To the point where I memorized most questions and their answers. Obviously, my memory couldn't be called impressive nor that of a genius', but I'm confident it's enough to rank me high up in this class, and all throughout the school.

I just had to use it to its full effect. I mechanically wrote my answers on a continuous pace.

My show of confidence became deliberate, it's very possible some may see it as conceited or arrogance. But not in Class-B, it would only make them more motivated.

It was also a way for me to keep appearances as this school's topper. My eyes ultimately landed on the wall clock that's in the middle of our classroom.

I wonder how she's faring. I'm confident enough that my little help at least managed to save her from going to the red line. I was more curious as to what score will she get.

I flipped my paper, reviewing the answers I wrote in a bored manner. Good, this should get me more than 90 percent.

The preparations I had in the past would've sufficed for a high mark, but if we add my last touches, as well as the free time I had to study our lessons near perfectly, it was fair to say that it would be more surprising if I didn't get at least a few perfect marks.

"Haah..." After making sure everything was good to go, I stood up once again.

As the midterms lasted a whole 3 days, I finished every test for the morning as fast as I could.

For reasons unknown to me, I couldn't take the afternoon tests. Though it's logical, I still complained in my head.

I guess I need to prepare more for when the finals arrive. There was a good chunk of about an hour left before lunchtime, my classmates gave me the either exasperated, or just completely appalled looks.

"You make everyone's preparations look child's play in comparison to yours, Sadi-kun~" Did you get another perfect score?

Understanding that this was a sore spot to hit, Sensei spoke loudly enough to be heard by everyone. While she most likely meant it as a joke, it was a real hit to the pride of most my other classmates. "I would like to reward you for completing the test early, but I would have to ask you to wait inside with your classmates." Sensei said as she wore a wide grin.

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