Chapter 10.1 (SS) - Hypocrite.

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"Is the cup half full or half empty?"

"Were you filling it, or were you drinking from it?"



After breaking out of her own shell, she was having a hard time looking me directly in the eye. It was a little awkward but tolerable.

I could feel that I had overcome a wall in our relationship, albeit, not intentionally.

We immediately went into action after Kamuro successfully acknowledged her own mistakes.

"This will be much easier since I've got a list on what to study and what not to." Those things that are mentioned by teachers yet have little to no use for exams and other evaluations.

I changed a lot from this list as time went by. Until I finally managed to create one that, I could say, was a flawless list of things. Not only would you save the hassle of studying more than necessary, you would know what exactly you need to focus on.

"Much appreciated." She let out a satisfied mhm, peeking through the opened notes of mine. "This is my ID card, I'm letting you see so that it would be easier for you to see my progress." She's really into this.

Just from a glance, I could instantly see that there was no balance of her skills.

Kamuro Masumi, Class-A

Adaptability: E.
Physical Ability: A.
Intelligence: C.
Academic Ability: C-.
Social Contribution: D-
Decision Making: D.

"Let's pop up everything else excluding your physical ability to at least B. Let's try if it could be done within a month." This would've been more troublesome if I didn't know of ways to go over the evaluation to get higher points.

"Next month?"

Though she couldn't help but be surprised, there was a hint of admiration and something along the lines of confidence that could be heard within the tone of her voice.

"Studies would be simple, it would take time but it's still simple," I went ahead and put numbers on the subjects she had to study in order.
"Social would be tricky, I have something in mind, though let's not rely too much on it."

"Hmm... Alright, you're doing so much, I could only do my best to thank you."

"Don't worry about it." I paused, worry about your studies more. "Your decision making stat would get pushed up after the progress with the former two. The same could be said with adaptability, Intelligence? Not so easy." This is the trickiest part.

Unintentionally, I made a complicated expression. Contemplating on what way would be the most efficient.

This, in turn, caused Kamuro to make a troubled expression herself.

"There are tons of problems isn't there? Sorry for being such a pain."
Don't be.

"As I said, don't fuss over the small details. I'd help you. We're friends, while the problem existed due to your stubbornness, there was nothing to be done. There's really nothing wrong with being like that, what's wrong is staying as such."

I scoffed at myself in my head. It felt so hypocritical to lecture her like this when I can't even fix my own problems. But I had to push through.

"... Thanks again."

I smiled outwardly. All the while tasteless thoughts of self mockery filled my head.

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