Chapter 10 - Reflection.

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I was young and foolish, like many other people my age.

Disregarding, disobeying. I almost never followed what they had told me and firmly believed that, I could and that, I will carve a path for myself.

Appearances were one of the most important things in a place where social hierarchy exist, such as schools.

Appearances? I scorned, I didn't need any of that. What I needed were skills that would be of use, and so I learned.

Everything was supposed to go well.

Or so I thought.

It all went downhill. I made no progress on making friends at middle school. I couldn't make any progress.

It would be the same in high school.

My expectations were shattered once again. But this time, in the good way.


"Religion has very little to do with sanity."


We ultimately ended up choosing a shop to eat at random. The place we were in sold all kinds of food, from deep fried to even ramen.

"This was one of the first places
I found." Great find for you.

I'm a bit surprised that I didn't know of this shop sooner, it might be because I've little to no time for exploring this whole school at the moment.

"The meals are delicious," I have to admit.

I took a piece of fried shrimp to my mouth, enjoying the flavor with few, casual bites.

This shop wasn't all that fancy for me to eat like some kind of rich guy, I'll stay casual at best.

"Isn't it? I was glad to find this place-" She abruptly stopped her sentence at that. Almost slipping some words out that I couldn't make out.

"What's wrong, Cat got your tongue?"

I lightly joked at the matter, I could sense that a slight tension was starting to build up from her sudden silence.

"No, I'm just a bit happy that
I actually managed to invite you." To eat here, I mean.

This is a touching experience for her, I only just recalled.

"You're surprisingly cute when you speak like that, although I would hav-" Ack-

"Geez. Can you stop teasing me?"

I could make out a light flush on her cheeks as she said those words. She might not show it, but she's one to cherish those around her, huh?

What a sweet first experience for her.

"I can't help it, you know? I don't want to get slugged too," Your reactions are just adorable.

Kamuro might be a girl but she still hits hard, even if not seriously.

Showing a subtle pout, she snatched one shrimp away from my plate.

I couldn't even imagine this the first we met. She improved her attitude drastically. As expected, if she opened up, you could see that Kamuro could actually compete against the most popular girls in the current year.

I'm not the kind of person to make a comparison, especially not about my friends, however, I was interested to see how girls would be ranked the same way as they made a ranking for boys. Yep, wouldn't forget the double standards, ever.

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