Chapter 11.1 - End of Midterms

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"Prefer to be defeated in the presence of the wise than to excel among fools."
-Dogen Zenji


"I should've realized it much sooner..."

Her statement could pass as murmurs at best. While I'd like to just sleep and rest instead of listening, I still had some decency to take responsibility.

Besides, the tests didn't really take much of a toll.

"At least you know, now."

Taking my words into further consideration, Ichinose put her empty cup to the floor in tranquil silence.

It sounded a lot like an older sibling lecturing the younger one.

People, or in this case, students, value benefit most of all. Now that they knew of the dangers the school gives, they'd look to stick with those that give them additional value.

No matter how smart or physically excelling one is, if their attitude isn't one that those around one likes, they're immediately bound to be isolated.

Kamuro and the basketball redhead from Class-D was a perfect example of that.

"... I learned a lot, really. I don't know how I'd ever repay you." Quite a dilemma.

"No, your development is enough. And I haven't done much but give my thoughts, it was really up to you to put things into action."

I may have been a bit too blunt, but that's the truth. She may have been stubborn, but once you break that shell down, it's only a matter of time before she learns.

Though... I'll admit Ichinose's improvement is nothing short of commendable.

"I insist!" She firmly nods to herself.
"Since there are tests ongoing, how about I treat you to something after this?"

"You're not really going to listen, would you?"

A resigned sigh escaped my mouth.


After the midterms

True to her words, Ichinose really did invite- or rather, dragged me out from our classroom to Keyaki Mall exactly after our tests ended.

I still don't know where she gets this energy, the midterms may not have been that hard for myself, but it still took some of my mental capacity.

"Do you really have to drag me by the hand?" I tried shaking her hand off, to no avail.

How the hell is she so strong...?

I wanted to say that I was just holding back, but Ichinose's grip really wasn't loosening up.

"Hehe... You'll probably run away if I didn't."

How does she know? I really just want to curl up to a ball and cry.

This is embarrassing, in more ways than one. I'm like a kid being dragged against my will.

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