Chapter 3 - Class Scouting.

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"and that's all for homeroom today, if any of you want to ask questions do feel free. Those who want 1 on 1 advices and questions with me is free to call me on the faculty room~" Cheekily, Hoshinomiya-sensei went out of the room happily.

"Thanks for today, Sensei!" Everyone in class bid their farewells to her, along with their seatmates and friends.

"Ah! Before I forget, does anyone want to volunteer? Kanzaki-kun, Tōdo-kun and I are about to scout the other classes, we would appreciate a few helping hand everyone!" Ichinose calls out to the whole class.

Almost everyone put their hands up and volunteered, not to mention, It's obvious some of the boys wanted to score some points from her.

No matter how proper... I guess they really want to start of their high school lives with a girlfriend. Same goes for me, the only difference is that I'm not that desperate for it.

Though... I doubt me or any other normal blokes has a chance on Ichinose.

"Amikura, we appreciate your help."
I looked to my side and decided on getting some friends I know to help.

"I gotchu Tōdo-kun!'' Like bros, we gave each other thumbs up.

A wise man once said, 'Everyone is a bro no matter the gender' its a masterpiece of a quote, if I do say so myself.

"Then I'll come too..." Shiranami pulls up in front of us, I'm not sure if she'd be of any help, but I can't just reject her like that.

I looked over Ichinose, surrounded by quite a number of our classmates. 

What the hell? This isn't a field trip you idiots...

"We've got volunteers now, sorry for everyone else that wanted to come, but we've reached enough number of people." I spoke to everyone.

There's no reason for me to show irritation if they're just too excited, that's exactly why I just smiled. Another one that didn't really reach my ears.

I dragged the overwhelmed Ichinose out of the crowd.

Really, can't she just say we can't have that many people going around just to look for some clues?

All of which that wasn't invited went out with some disgruntled and dissatisfied voices.

"Sorry Tōdo-kun, seeing everyone that excited to scout just made it hard for me to outright reject them..." Ichinose apologizes, It's not clear why she apologized to me... In my opinion, a word of gratitude would've been more befitting for her.

"You're too good, they knew you couldn't reject, so that's why they tried forcing the issue." I explained.
"We both know they're not bad people, but next time, be sure to get straight to the point. Okay?" I wasn't exactly amused by their behaviour. It's not frequent I lecture someone... but I suppose if it's something about social, I know what-to, and what not-to.

"Haha... I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Ichinose's words wasn't all that convincing, with her nervously chuckling like that.

"Yeah yeah... and what are you doing in the corner, Sō?" I made a dash to the door and opened it. Seeing the surprised Sō just peeking around the corner.

There was another person just behind him.

"If I recall correctly, Sayo Andō-san, was it?" This girl had short brown hair and already a very outgoing appearance.

Ando was one of the students which couldn't introduce themselves.

I caught wind of her name through Sō and Amikura.

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