Chapter 8.2 (SS) - Overcoming.

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"Even if the truth is as one suspects, it may still be worthless."
-Kaiki Deishū

Ichinose's Trial.

His words struck something within me. I was actually feeling uncomfortable about Chihiro-chan's sudden advancements, ones that were one-sided.

Other than discomfort, I knew that there was another feeling.

I hope it wasn't anything like disgust towards her. There's only been very few people whom I felt a strong emotion on. And I have to admit...
I couldn't imagine her and myself dating. I wasn't interested about dating in general, but I would very much prefer to date someone of the opposite sex.

The ideal answer would be somewhere along the lines of;

I'm sorry Chihiro-chan, but I would like to focus more on the class rather than dating.

If I answered bluntly right now to her hypothetical confession, then, it would go like, 'I'm sorry but I'm not into the same sex.' this was the best blunt answer I could give. Any more and I feel like I'm being mean.

As if reading my thoughts, Sadi-kun let out a soft grunt. There's not a trace of his straightforward nature as far as I could see, our current situation looks more about an exasperated brother towards his sister's action.

I found it funny, I've always wanted an older brother, he could also be my little brother... I doubt he'd agree though.

Should I ask him for more help?

I thought of more ways to reject Chihiro-chan while getting her less hurt as possible.

"Are you seriously trying to run away?"

He looked straight into my eyes.
It was as if there's a message beneath it.

I guess I need to work on my poker face a tad more.

I propped myself up from the bench, a little smile written on my face.

"I'll give her a call now."

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